Genevieve "Eve" Reynolds, FBI agent, handles her biggest case in her career, and is put to lead her team in their investigation. Throughout the investigation process, Eve will come upon events that will make her and most definitely break her.
It's 7:45 am, and I came early to work to beat the traffic. "Good morning Genevieve!" Jasmin, the receptionist, greeted me. "Good morning Jasmin, how are you?" I asked. "I'm doing great this morning. How are you?" I returned the question. "I woke up to see another day of life. So I'm pretty ecstatic." I smiled. "That's great. Oh, there is a package for you in your office. I already had security check it for you."
A package?
Every package that has come through this building was either a real bomb, or a bomb scare. So the word package was a red flag for me.
"Okay thank you. Have a good day." I say to Jasmin. "Thank you, you too." I walked my way to the elevator, and the anticipation was growing from this sudden package delivery.
Why would I have a threat against me? What have I personally done to someone for them to do this to me? I couldn't find a correlation to that superstition.
I made it to the 4th floor, and walked to my office. When I opened my door, I saw this large box sitting on my desk. I was shaking in fear, I could barely open it. My lips chapped up and my throat dried up. I could be opening a box with a ticking time bomb or something equally worse. When I found the courage to do so, I opened it slowly • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A bouquet of flowers were sent to me. I pulled the bouquet out from its placement and opened the curtains to get a better look at it.
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Hanging from the side, there was a card, that had a smiley face on it.
It read:
"Art! Who comprehends her? With whom can one consult concerning this great goddess?" -Ludwig Van Beethoven
Ms. Reynolds, you are a true work of art. Enjoy the flowers (: -Mr. Hernandez
I didn't know what to say. This...this was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. This man...he's acknowledged my love for my job, for my taste in music. I didn't know whether to call him or just not say anything.
I didn't want to sound ungrateful. But I don't want him to think that I like him in that way. A bouquet of flowers isn't going to swoon me and it's going to take him a lot harder and longer for him to do just that. I'm not easy to satisfy, but I admire the effort of one who attempts to do it.
"Good morning." Wyatt knocked on my door. "Good morning Wyatt. How are you?" I asked. "I'm alright. You?" "I am good. Couldn't complain. Are you okay?" Something about Wyatt this morning. He didn't seem like himself.
Wyatt gave me a blank stare, and closed the door. He locked it, and shut the blinds that faced the main office. "Wyatt what are you doing?" I laughed, although I was confused.
"Can we keep this between me and you Eve?" Wyatt asked. "What is it?" "Genevieve, I really like you. Like you have no idea. You're sexy, smart, confident, everything I could imagine...." Wyatt moved closer to me. "Wyatt, I'm flattered..." I said. Without warning, Wyatt kissed me. Not only was I shocked, but I merely felt disrespected. No consent? No question?
"Wyatt! What the hell is your problem?" I asked. "I-Im sorry. Eve, I should've controlled myself..." He said. "Did you think a kiss would change my mind? Well you thought wrong!" I began to walk to the door, ready to tell the Chief was just happened. "Genevieve, wait!" Wyatt grabbed my arm, holding me back. I pulled my arm away from him, and continued to walk.
"Chief!" I barged in. "Your little favorite, Wyatt, just came in my office and forced himself on me." The chief continued to write and said, "Wyatt? Wyatt Henderson? Oh no, he wouldn't do such a thing." He said. "Chief! He just did it right now!"
He put his pen down, as if I was a bother. "Genevieve, I will handle that later, but right now, I need to handle some business." "But Chief..." "Not another word Genevieve! Now, go run along back to your office, and stay on task with that murder case. Don't make me regret my decision." He said.
I grunted and stormed out of his office. When I made it to my office, Wyatt was barely coming out. He stopped in the doorway, holding his lip. "Genevieve, I'm really sorry..." Due to the fact that I have been forced on, I promised myself that I wouldn't let anyone do it to me again, under no circumstances. "Do that again, and you'll hate me more than ever." I threatened. He moved out of the door way, and I closed it. Wyatt is such a good person, I didn't understand what tempted him to do it. From this point on, things will be very awkward amongst us.
However, couldn't believe that the chief isn't even taking this seriously. I felt so little. So unimportant. I went on my computer, to try and get my mind off of this situation.
I looked at reports from the murder case in which I need to crack. I'm no lawyer, but I'm going to make the lawyers job extremely easy.
"Hey Eve." Charlie knocked on my door. I jumped a little and was startled. "Oh, hey." I said catching my breath. "You alright? You seem...jumpy this morning." I wanted to tell Charlie, but I couldn't. Charlie is a violent person. If I told him that Wyatt damn near assaulted me, he would put him in the hospital, and maybe...even kill him. He's very protective over me and Faith, but I need to take care of my own problems.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I smiled. "So, tell me about your date last night." He took a seat. "It was...alright." "Where did he take you?" I couldn't help but just look at the flowers. "The Queen Mary. We had our own little room that faced the harbor. It was something I'll never forget." I said.
"Would you ever go on another date with him?" Charlie asked. "I don't know. Probably not. I need to be focused on this case. Not some date with a singer who probably sleeps with multiple amounts of women." I said. "There you go again with the negativity, Eve!" Charlie rolled his eyes. "Just stating a superstition." Charlie threw his hands in the air and left my office.
My work phone rang. "Thank you for calling the Federal Bureau of Investigation, this is Genevieve Reynolds." "Good morning Ms. Reynolds." I knew that voice. It was the man that gave me these beautiful flowers. "I'm great Mr. Hernandez, thank you for the flowers. They're absolutely beautiful." I couldn't help but smile. "And the card?" He asked. "I really liked it."
I could hear Bruno giggling over the phone. "Well, I don't want to hold you too long. I just wanted to call you, to see if you got my gift. Maybe we can go out again sometime?"
Dammit! Why me? Why does he suddenly want to go on another date with me? I asked myself.
If you say no, you'll hurt his feelings.
But who cares about his feelings. Worry about the case.
What if he's genuinely a good guy?
What if he's an asshole deep down?
I couldn't make up my mind, but I had to answer quickly.
"Sure! I'd enjoy that..." I said, with fake enthusiasm.