Confronting Bruno

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March 13, 2015

Every Friday, Bruno tried to lock himself in the studio and write something new. Sometimes he wouldn't even drop a beat or sing a solo, he'd just lose himself in that studio. He was in his own world where he made the rules and no one can change that. Well, his world was about to be invaded by one who used to be a close ally.

I pulled up to the studio, and saw Bruno's car here. My intuitions were right. I walked inside, where I heard music playing, blasting, cause the floor and the walls rumbled. Yeah, that was Bruno. I knocked on the door and called, "Bruno!" "I'm busy!" He shouted. "Bruno! Open the door!" The music stopped. "I said I'm fucking bu-" He stopped once he saw me on the other side of the door. "What do you want Genevieve?" "Can I come in?" I asked. Bruno, being stubborn, blocked the doorway and said, "What do you want?" "I want to talk." I looked over my shoulders, "Privately..."

Bruno took a deep breath and finally let me inside. He closed the door behind me, and I clutched my purse against my stomach. "How have you been?"I asked. "How have I been? Tsk I don't know, Genevieve. I really don't know." Bruno sat in his chair and began fiddling with the music mixer.

"We need to talk about us." "What is there to talk about?" "Why did we break up? Hm?" "Really Genevieve? You came out here to ask me that?" "But with the simple words, you have yet to answer the question. Why, did we break up?" "Because, you were messing around with Wyatt. I told you I didn't have a good feeling about him." "And you believed him? You would really believe a man that has tried to hurt me. A man who is accused of murdering two innocent people? But you won't believe the woman who has loved you, supported you, gave you her all? Is that the relationship we had?" I asked. Bruno did not respond. Instead, he ignored me, messing with the music mixer.

"Bruno! Fuck the music right now!" I turned him around. "You're not going to shut me out anymore! I have always listened to you. For God sake, listen to me." I leaned on the arm rest of his chair. "I'm not the one to beg, but Bruno, I not only want you, but I need you." There was a silence. "Are you comprehending anything I'm telling you?" "No, because it's bullshit."

His words, it tore me apart. "This whole relationship was bullshit, now leave, I'm thinking about my career right now. You should continue thinking about yours." I couldn't believe Bruno said that to me. This wasn't the Bruno I knew, something on the inside was tearing him apart, and as much as I wanted to help, he wouldn't let me back in. It was over. "If anything, this relationship was the best thing that's ever happened to me. You brightened up my world full of darkness. You motivated me. You loved me. You protected me. In a relationship, that's all I could ever ask for. I wish you happiness and success, whether if we are together or apart, I will always love you."

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