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February 28, 2015

After spending a week in Paris, we had to return back to good ol' California. I'm glad to be back home, but I do miss Paris as if it were my home.

"That was the fastest week ever." Bruno said, pulling his luggage through the door. "Definitely." I retort. "We will have to do another trip again." Bruno said. "I would love to go back." I said once I closed the door.

"I just want to put on my pajamas and just relax all day." I said. "I have to go to the studio later tonight. Gotta keep working on this album." Bruno said. "If I wasn't working, I'd stay here with you." "No, I understand. I know that's important to you." I said.

"This is the most fun, yet the most stressful part of making the album. I've gotta lock myself inside that studio and make that magic." He said. "And you'll do just that." I kissed Bruno's cheek. "Let me go put this stuff in your room." He said. "Okay."

I pulled my hair up and went to the fridge to get a bottle of water. There was a knocking on my door, and I was puzzled on who would be paying me a visit today.

I opened the door to see Wyatt standing in front of me. Although it happened last year, I was still fed up with him from our first and last date together. "Hello Wyatt. What are you doing here?" I asked. "I heard it was your birthday last week, and I came by to give you something but you weren't here so I thought I'd try again." He said. "So...happy belated birthday." He handed me a card and a teddy bear. "Thanks." I said "You're still mad at me, huh?" "You know Wyatt...I'm not. I'm not mad at you, I'm actually thankful you insulted me on that night we went on that date, because that night, I fell in love with someone, and it wasn't you. So I'm happier, and less bitchy than I was before." I smiled. "Eve, I didn't mean it like that." "Oh, but Wyatt, you did. It's okay, there's no need to hide in the shadows when there's no trees to shade you. I saw your true colors." I added.

"Babe, you hungry?" Bruno came to the door. "Oh, hey man." Bruno said to Wyatt. "Wyatt, this is" I paused. "I see." Wyatt said. "Nice to meet you." Bruno said. "Yeah, Bruno, me and Wyatt used to work together. He always watched out for me." I looked at Wyatt and said, "...and made me a better person." Wyatt had this look of guilt among his face.

"Well. I'm gonna get going. I just wanted to say happy birthday." "Thanks Wyatt, you drive safe now." I said. "Thanks. See you around." Wyatt added.

I closed the door and took a breath of relief. "Was that the one you went on a date with?" Bruno asked. "Yep." I walked back to the kitchen. "He doesn't seem like a bright person." Bruno said to me. "He's jealous, because I wouldn't give him a chance but I gave you one." Bruno chuckled at my statement.

"When do you have to be at the studio?" I asked. "In about an hour." "Well, if you plan on coming back..." I said to Bruno. I went to my room, where he followed me, and went into my closet. On the very top shelf, I pulled out a box. "Here's the key to the house, because I trust you with it." "Thanks babe."

Bruno took the key and said, "Well, I better start going." "Okay. Drive safe." I kissed him. "I will. Love you." He said walking out of the house. "Love you too."

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