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I walked up to Bruno's door, and I was quite nervous. It's been five months since I've seen him, and I feared that he'd slam the door in my face, or he'd view me as this crazy woman.

I heard the doors unlock, and I wanted to throw up. I was shaking so much and my stomach was churning. The door opened up and Bruno's face was emotionless.

He didn't look angry, but he didn't look happy. Bruno peeked his head out of the door and asked, "What do you want?" He was most definitely angry. "Um, you look great..." I started off. "I don't have time for this shit." Bruno was about to close the door in my face, but I stopped him.

"I wanted to apologize for accusing you for sending in the video a couple months back. I should've believed you, but I was...I was so caught up in the moment, I ruined everything. But, I don't want us to hate each other." I said.

Bruno didn't seem to buy it. "I've been thinking about it ever since we broke up, and I think of everything we used to have. I'm not asking for anything, nor am I asking you to love me again, but...Bruno....I can't help but say, miss you and I'm sorry." I teared up.

Bruno reached his finger out and caught my falling tear. "Five months, I was hurting, dying on the inside. I had to hide that. Genevieve, I think I was more hurt than you were. For five months, I asked myself, What did I do? For five months, I thought I was the reason why it didn't last. And for you to come back suddenly, it's hard to let you back in." I nodded my head, "I feel the same way." I said.

There was an awkward silence that stood among us. "So where do we go from here?" I asked. Bruno took a deep breath and said, "Let me see the video."

I handed him the camera, and he walked inside. I stood outside of the door, feeling awkward. "You coming inside? Or not?" He asked. "Oh.." I walked inside and closed the door behind me.

He sat at his computer, and plugged the camera up. "Take me to the video." He demanded. "Which one? There's so many of them." I said. "The video that made you realize, I didnt do it." He said.

I opened the clip, and showed Bruno the video. Bruno stared at the screen but gave no source of reaction. "So it's someone at the FBI that planted it. That means they had to have broken in when I wasn't home." Bruno said. "Yeah."

"Let me see the video that costed you, your job." Bruno demanded. He wanted to see our "sex tape". It felt really weird being next to him when it came to this. We were like strangers and felt ultimately uncomfortable with each other. I pressed play, and Bruno and I watched....our sex video.

Moans and grunts and bed creaking and screaming, the whole bit was playing. Bruno sat back and kept watching. It was weird, but I wanted to know what was going through his mind.

He cleared his throat and rubbed his face. I paused the video and said, "What's going through your mind?" I asked. He laughed as if the video were a complete joke. "I miss those days to be perfectly honest." He said. "I do too. I miss us, but I really fucked up." I said.

Bruno didn't say anything back to me. "Well, I want to say congratulations on the song, but I know you're busy, so I'll leave you to your work." I smiled.

I stood up and grabbed my purse and headed to the door. I unlocked the door and opened it, but Bruno grabbed my arm. I looked back at him and he reached over to close the door.

"Bruno, what are you doing?" Bruno pushed me against the wall and just stared at me. "Five months..." He looked down. "Five months, I've been dying to have you back. I've been wanting to wake up next to you, sleep with you, have dinner with you, I wanted everything with you." Bruno said.

I started to tear up. "For five months, I've felt lonely, unimportant, embarrassed, humiliated, and so destroyed, I didn't even want to live." Bruno looked me in the eye, "But...I could just hear your voice in my head, saying things will get better. I listened to your voice mails, every day. Not a second went by, without you on my mind." The tears fell from eyes.

Bruno let go of me and just looked at me. "I better go now." I knew my tears weren't going to change his mind, but I wanted him to know how I felt.

I slipped out through the door, and knew that this was a new start in my life. I had to keep moving forward, and I had to leave Bruno behind.

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