Goodbye Hurt the Most

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It was the next day, and Camila had unpacked more of her things the night before. She had her bed set up in the biggest room upstairs, and her dresser with her clothes was there too. Laying in her bed, dressed in violet and periwinkle sheets, she opened her eyes and stared at the white ceiling. She wanted to think that maybe today would be the day she would see Lauren. Go to her family's house, and hope that Lauren was there. Hope that the Jauregui family still lived there at least.

After showering, and doing her hair and makeup, she grabbed a quick cup of coffee. She drank it black, it reminded her of the night sky and the bitterness of just simply life. She was naturally poetic. She was aware that she had work that night, but certain things needed to be accomplished before hand. The weather outside was sunny and hot, due to it being mid June. But it was always hot in Miami. Stepping outside, Camila had almost forgot about the heat and humidity. Her jean shorts and blue crop top was already too much, and she blasted the heat as soon as she made it to her little white car.
Of course, she had grown up there and Miami would always be the place she called home. Five years. She thought about all the times she and Lauren would race along the beach shores, make stupid videos together, dance to Cuban music, go swimming in Lauren's pool at her back yard. How many times they laughed together so hard that they either almost peed, or their stomachs hurt for a week.
Reminiscing, Camila had to smile. She could admit, she had a good childhood. Ever since kindergarten when the two girls met, they brought such adventure into each other's lives. They shared their opinions and feelings with one another, they learned together, they grew together. They were there for each other all their lives, up until the end of freshman year when Lauren had her best friend ripped away from her.. without a warning. Camila's father accepted a job in The Big Apple, and Camila had no choice but to say goodbye forever. There was no doubt that that was what had hurt the most. Despite her true feelings for Lauren.. despite her being confused about what she wanted, it hurt the most to say goodbye. Now, would Lauren even want to see her again? It scared her that she didn't know the answer.

She arrived at the Jauregui house, and parked across the street on the side of the road. For a moment, she stared at the mansion. It was a light brownish color, a Miami dream beach house. Palm trees decorated the landscape all around it, and warm lights always shown bright on the patio at night. Camila stared at Lauren's bedroom window, the one on the right, second floor. She looked at the roof outside the window, a perfect place for stargazing, or talking, or just thinking in general. She remembered laying on the roof next to the green eyed girl, discussing their hopes and dreams for each of their lives. Her heart ached for that back.. she just wanted to experience such a connection again. It had always meant the most to her, their friendship. But deep down, it hurt her. Maybe just a little, but it still hurt. Ever since she stared into the piercing green eyes she felt her heart beat faster and faster, and not a good kind of fast. The kind of fast that makes you nervous and uncertain, it makes you question your every move, and if you even breathe differently, you felt insecure. Her heart sped up every time she saw Lauren walking into a room, or they made eye contact. Sometimes her heart froze, as she thought about what to say or how to act. But as time went by, she learned that she could feel calm when she was standing next to Lauren. As time went by, she learned that she could open up to her, and Lauren did the same. She never knew the feelings she felt, she didn't know why she felt them.. but by the time ninth grade rolled around, she knew. She knew in her heart that it was more than a friendship, to her at least. And when she talked to Lauren, or looked at her, or made a gesture, or touched her... Lauren smiled. Camila was falling hard for her, and well, Lauren smiled... because she was falling too.
Sitting in her car, Camila stared into space remembering. And the memories were too painful, to ever go knock on that door.

It was now seven PM and Camila walked into the club called "Golden" that was now her new job. She had her bag with her headphones, tracks, and extra makeup. She was told that they had the DJ set all ready, and that she started at seven thirty.
Walking in, instantly she was full of adrenaline. Music played loudly, and the dance floor was enormous. It wasn't open yet, so the place was empty, but Camila already felt the rush of the party. The bar tenders were cleaning off the counter and getting drinks ready, the lights were flashing and the disco ball was shining it's colors everywhere. It smelled like champagne and magic, and Camila felt right at home. She wasn't twenty one yet, but the place allowed eighteen and up. Camila was surprised due such a large bar, but she was down.

"Hi! You must be Camila Cabello?" A tall woman with short blonde hair approached her, holding out her hand. Camila shook it.

"In the flesh" she smiled.

"It's so nice to meet you, I've done so much research and you seem to really be a hit in the big city!" The woman gushed. "I'm Taylor."

"Nice to meet you as well!" Camila was excited as hell.

"Let me show you around." Taylor said, gesturing for Camila to follow.
They walked behind doors to the back area. There was a table set up, and around it were lockers. The color theme in the back room was hot pink, and glitter was dispersed everywhere.

"We have the strippers come in once a week, but since this isn't initially a strip club, they don't have their own lockers here. These are for the bar tenders, the band that comes in regularly, and you!" Taylor explained enthusiastically. "The band is four girls, and they come here every night. They will take the stage on your break at nine thirty every night. You can do whatever you please during that time, but you're back out at eleven until we close. Every night."

"Sounds perfect! I am seriously stoked to be taking this job." Camila assured her. "I know I'm young, but I won't let you guys down. I'm just here to have fun and let the crowd do the same!"

"You are so chill, really, I am glad I hired you. I'm here three nights a week if you need me, or if you need to ask questions any time when I'm not here, just ask the bar tenders or the band members. You will be introduced to them later, probably after they get done with their act tonight."  Taylor smiled. "I'll let you get ready hun, and good luck!"

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