Can't Keep My Eyes Off Of You

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The night had gone on, carrying into Camila's bed.  It all started with a lap dance, to make the two of them realize how alive their sex life would be. They were young and allowed to have fun, and Camila was falling hard for Lauren whether they were going to have sex or not.

"Maybe we should stay and clean up at the club every night" Lauren suggested, as the two of them laid flat on their backs in exhaustion. Both catching their breath, they started to laugh. In that moment Camila knew she could never get tired of being with this woman. Ever since middle school the same feeling never went away, and it was stronger than ever now. She looked over at Lauren, naked in her bed. Her black-brown hair a mess, lightly damp with sweat. Camila tried to process what had happened, but she just couldn't. It was too good to be true.

"Did you enjoy it baby girl?" Camila asked, with a smirk. 

"More than words can say" Lauren replied, complimenting her girlfriend's incredible skills in bed. "I mean.. I never imagined it that good. I never even thought it would happen and now..." Lauren smiled at Camila laying beside her. "I never want to stop." Lauren turned facing Camila still laying down, and kissed her shoulder.

"No one said we have to" Camila remarked, reaching her hand under the sheets and rubbing in between Lauren's legs. "Round four." Camila said as she disappeared under the blankets.

The birds were chirping, and the sun was seeping through the blinds. Camila's eyes slowly fluttered open to see Lauren peacefully sleeping beside her. She didn't want to wake her, so she quietly got up and got dressed. She hurried and put on jean shorts and a 1975 T-shirt on. She went into her bathroom which still had a few boxes on the floor, and brushed her teeth. She put on some new makeup after washing off the mascara from yesterday. As usual she didn't need to do anything with her hair, it was naturally tame. As she looked in the mirror, blending some under eye concealer, she let her mind wander back to her ninth grade year. She thought about the good and the bad moments, experiencing love for the first time. Finding that she liked girls, her best friend in particular. It all just made her head spin. But she was glad to have her best friend back, not even having to relearn her because she was still the same person Camila had said "I love you" to in that airport five years ago.
Camila finished up getting herself ready for the day and exited the bathroom, to find Lauren now dressed as well - in Camila's clothes. She was wearing a black t shirt of Camila's with burgundy skinny jeans, and she looked beautiful.
"Nice outfit" Camila smiled.
"Thanks, it's new" Lauren joked, running her hand though her hair as she often did. They looked at each other for a moment, just being happy about their most recent events.
"So I have rehearsal with the girls today at Dinah's house. She lives with her family still but they have a pretty large basement that we practice in. Do you want to come?" Lauren excitedly invited.
"I wouldn't want to intrude.. I barely know your friends" Camila pointed out.
"Trust me babe, they wouldn't mind. They've been wanting to hang out with you actually."
"Well okay then" Camila felt happy that Lauren talked about her to her friends. "I'll come."

About two hours later, Lauren was leading Camila down the steep, carpeted stairs in Dinah's home.

"Look who's here" Normani had a big smile as she saw the girls entrance the room.

"Hey guys" Lauren greeted her band mates. "You all have met Camila" Lauren smiled looking beside her, seeing her beautiful girlfriend.

"Hi Camila!" Dinah was first to say hello, Ally and Normani following.

"Hi guys! I hope you don't mind me watching" Camila said.

"Baby I told you they wouldn't" Lauren reminded her, as she sat down beside Camila on the large gray couch.

"So I was thinking we could work on harmonies in We Know, That's My Girl, and go over Big Bad Wolf a few times. We were pretty rocky on those last time." Normani addressed.

"Sounds great" Ally replied, as she sat down beside Lauren. Normani and Dinah sat down in a love seat across from them. Camila admired how pretty they all were, it was unreal. Of course she couldn't deny she was dating the prettiest one in her opinion. The girls started singing one of their songs called We Know, and Camila listened to their angelic voices in awe.
"We know, we know, we know, we know, we know, we know all about you" They sang in the chorus. All of their voices were truly beautiful. The girls continued to sing and critique themselves until they thought it was just perfect. A few times they asked Camila for her opinion, and every time she gave the same "It sounds beautiful." Camila couldn't help but be mesmerized by everything that Lauren did. The way she sang, the way she looked, the way she spoke and sang with her hands. How she worked at her voice until it sounded right, she was without a doubt dedicated to the music. They were wonderful.
"How are you guys seriously not signed to a record label? Like how the hell?" Camila asked in complete confusion as they ended their last song for the day.

"That's what I said a long time ago" Dinah agreed, with a playful hair flip. Camila could tell she was confident.

"We put ourselves out there, and we used to go to a lot more places. But ever since we landed the job at Golden... we haven't had time for anything else at all. We play there every single night except for Sunday's, I mean.. I takes a lot out of us." Ally stressed. "But I love it."

"Well you guys definitely have the talent" Camila complimented, looking at Lauren. "Maybe some time if you send me your tracks I could do some remixes, maybe play them at Golden some time?"

"That would be great" Lauren replied, looking pleased.

"Great" Camila said, the two of them making sexual eye contact that had very obvious tension.

"Is it hot in here or is it just you two?" Dinah asked, standing up. "I'm gonna go get some water."

"With you on that one!" Normani chased after her up the stairs and Ally followed.

"Do you think they like me? I mean, are they acting weird?" Camila honestly asked while the two of them were alone.

"Trust me, they like you! They know how happy you make me, so of course they love you." Lauren assured her.

"Okay good, because I really want them to like me." Camila said, relieved.
She kissed Lauren's lips softly. "You know when you were singing Big Bad Wolf, I couldn't help but be so turned on" Camila whispered. "I felt kind of bad since we're with your friends, but it reminded me of last night." Camila kissed her lips again. "You know.. me, you, naked in the strip club... you on the floor and me sitting on your face, dripping everywhere, screaming your name..." Camila's tone of voice was seducing enough to make Lauren almost burst.
"You know, I don't think they'll be coming back down here for a few minutes.." Lauren said, she was close to whispering. Before Camila knew it, Lauren had unbuttoned her shorts and her hand was now inside them. As they sat side by side, Camila felt Lauren's finger rub against her weak spots.
"We probably shouldn't be doing this here" Camila reasoned. Lauren sped up against Camila's clit so that Camila would make noise. She knew exactly what to do. Camila bit her bottom lip a little too hard to try and keep in her moan, but sort of failed.
"Shh.. you wouldn't want to blow your innocent cover now would you?" Lauren smirked, sexually.
It was safe to say the other girls wouldn't be venturing back downstairs for a while.

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