Running From The Love

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"Lucy, what the hell?" Lauren angrily asked, as she took a step back after a few moments.

"Why can't you love me like you love her?" Lucy asked, approaching her closer again.


"You love her, don't you?" Lucy wanted clarification.

"I don't know.. she's my best friend. Why are you doing this?"

"Kiss me back" Lucy begged, trying to kiss Lauren again. Lauren looked at Lucy's lips, as memories of their relationship flooded her mind. "You know it will never last with Camila.. but it could last with us." Lucy whispered into Lauren's ear as she kissed her neck, then kissed her lips again. Lauren didn't know why she was giving into her but for a second, she didn't want to stop. Lauren kissed her back without pulling away, and it felt good.

"Okay okay" Lauren managed to say as she broke away. "This is wrong"

"Only if you go back to her"

"Go back to her? I never left her for you, this is a mistake. Damn it!" Lauren thought about what she had done and the damage it would do. "I just made it right with her a few days ago, we just got over a fight and now.."

"Hey, don't do that." Lucy tried to snap her out of the worry. "We both know how this ends."

"Camila and I aren't like you and me. We are more, we were best friends our whole lives except all of five years! She loved me when we were fourteen, and I think she still does. How could I trade that for a stripper who's only interested in getting high and sleeping with me?"

"Excuse me?" Lucy let the words sink in, stinging her with every second. "Oh right. I'm sorry, I forgot I'm just a dumb stripper. I'm sorry I'm too trashy for you, I'm sorry that all I want is your body!"

"You know why we broke up, don't even pretend." Lauren reasoned.

"No! The reason why we broke up is because you were so embarrassed of yourself, that you put your pride and reputation before what you really wanted. The reason why we broke up is because you hated yourself so much to even admit that you like girls in general, and not just me. You told me I was the first and only girl, you told me so many things. So many damn excuses. But guess what? No excuse could make up for what you put me through. Not one."

Lauren's face was turning different shades of red, from anger and embarrassment. The one thing she was ashamed of more than her sexuality, was the fact that she was ashamed in the first place. Lucy knew that, yet she had to throw it in her face. Lauren couldn't even fathom it.

"I'm leaving for California tomorrow." Lauren told her again. "Goodbye." And without another word, Lauren carried her makeup bag out of the building, and went home.

It was Saturday morning, and Camila woke up in Lauren's apartment. Lauren wasn't in bed, so Camila went to see where she was. Camila rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the sleepiness. She walked out into the living room, where she found Lauren cuddled in blankets on her couch, sound asleep. Camila wondered why she was sleeping on the couch, but figured it was just out of nervousness, and maybe she couldn't of slept in her bed. She looked so peaceful and angelic, Camila wished she never had to interrupt it.

"Baby girl" Camila nudged Lauren lightly. Lauren didn't budge so Camila nudged her a little harder on the shoulder, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"What time is it?" Lauren suddenly sprang upward, panicking. "Oh my God, did we oversleep?"

"No, no.. we're fine it's only six, we don't have to leave for another hour or so.." Camila reassured her and she calmed down.

"Okay I'm gonna go get ready." Lauren told her, as she stood up and stretched. She walked to the bathroom and shut the door, Camila vaguely heard the shower faucet turn on, and she sat down on the couch where Lauren had slept. She ran her hand over the warm fabric, and gathered her fuzzy blanket into her hands. She lifted it to her face and smelled the blanket which smelled so much like Lauren, more than the air itself in her small apartment. For the first time, Camila thought about Lauren leaving, and she couldn't help but feel sick. Sick with fear that she would lose her girlfriend altogether, that Lauren would find better thing and better people in Los Angeles. Camila thought about what it was like being parted from her for five years with no communication and how awful it was. She knew that this would be nothing like it, but the simple feeling of her not being there would be the same.

They arrived at the airport, where they met the other girls and their moms.

"Hey guys!" Ally greeted Lauren and Camila as they walked up to them. "Everything is set and we board in ten!"

"Oh wow" Lauren sighed, as a smile appeared on her face.

"It's okay girl, I'm nervous too." Dinah related as she ate a bag of flaming hot cheetos. "That's why vending machines exist."

"Girl don't tempt me" Normani chuckled. "You know I can't have those things"

"Sucks to be you." Dinah joked.

"Camila, I hope you cherish that body of yours, you can literally eat whatever you want." Normani complimented Camila.

"Thanks" Camila laughed. "I would trade bodies with you in a second though."

"You're too kind" Normani said, as she gave Camila a friendly and short hug. "Thanks for supporting us and especially our girl."

"Of course! I love that she has you girls."

"Bye Camila, we'll see you soon!" Dinah hugged Camila next, then turned to her mom to say goodbye. Ally did the same. Lauren appreciated her friends being so nice to Camila.

"So this is it" Camila turned to Lauren.

"'This is it." Lauren confirmed, with a nod.

"Make me proud" Camila told her, pulling her into a tight and lengthy hug.

"I always try" Lauren replied, still hugging her.

"I love you" Camila said, carefully but surely. She had worked up her courage and it was the easiest thing she had ever done, and the best thing she had ever felt. Lauren remained hugging Camila as she let the words sink in, then let her go.

"I'll be home before you know it." Lauren assured her, and she was pulled away by the girls who had a flight to catch.

Camila stood there for a few minutes, even after the girls' moms had left, she just stood there. She didn't say it back.

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