Face To Face

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Camila had watched the group's whole performance, with a slightly sick feeling knowing she had no more time to prepare before meeting Lauren again for the first time in five years. How would she react? Camila didn't know, but she was petrified to find out. When the four girls sang their last bop, Camila hurried to the back, to the bathroom, trying to remain calm. She made sure her hair and makeup looked okay, and adjusted her clothing. She was more nervous than she ever could remember being. She wasn't the same as the last time Lauren had seen her, and the realization came to her, that Lauren might not like the new, more grown up Camila. She replayed Lauren dancing on the stage over again in her mind, adoring every movement. Lauren still meant so much to her.. she couldn't deny.
Snapping out of her daze, she left the bathroom and walked into the locker room where Taylor was chatting with the band. Walking in, she immediately locked eyes with the piercing green orbs. The girls were all talking to Taylor, but for a moment, both Lauren and Camila's worlds stopped. Staring at each other in complete and utter shock, coming to the realization that this was real, and not just another dream.
Without further hesitation, and a blink of an eye, Camila felt the familiar arms wrapped around her, holding on tight to her. She breathed in the scent of Lauren's perfume, which smelled the same since ninth grade. It was the scent of 'Ocean breeze' which smelled like being at the beach, reminding her of the times the two of them would walk along the shores, or chase eacj other through the palm trees. Her brown hair was shorter now, the long locks were gone... it looked good on Lauren, Camila decided. Camila noticed that Lauren had definitely matured and grown up.. she was so different. But those eyes, they were the same. The feeling of Lauren hugging her so tightly felt so much like home, and that's when she realized that it wasn't Miami itself giving her a home feeling, it was just Lauren being there too.
This was a feeling she never thought she would experience again.
Lauren released her from her warm embrace, looking her in the eye with the most gigantic smile.

"You're here!" Lauren exclaimed in disbelief. "It's been... wow! It's been forever!"
Lauren studied Camila, her too noticing that Camila had grown up. She was slimmer, her face was more defined. Her lips were more noticeable, and her straight brown hair was a bit shorter, but not by much.

"Yeah, I know!" Camila agreed. "Five years"

"How are you here? Why? This is so sudden!" Lauren was so bubbly and Taylor, along with the other girls had a confused look on their faces as they watched the old friends reunite.

"I'm here for this job.. as a DJ. I'm a DJ now, Lauren! It really happened for me." Camila smiled.

"I'm glad! You're amazing at getting the crowd going!" Lauren tuned in.

"Well hey, so are you!! You guys rock out there.. really! I'm glad you pursued music Lern" the nickname slipped as Camila spoke.. but it just felt normal to both of them.

"I'm sorry, who's this?" One of the girls from Lauren's band asked. She was tall, with long blonde curly hair, thick thighs, and a gorgeous smile. She was really pretty... they all were.

"Dinah, Normani, Ally! This is Camila!" Lauren introduced them all.

"Camila..." Dinah looked Camila up and down. "As in Camila?" She awkwardly whispered, as Normani and Ally caught on.

"Oh!!" Normani smiled. "Camila! Hi, I've heard about you!" Normani shook Camila's hand, along with Ally and Dinah.

"Lauren talks about you, how you were childhood friends" Ally chimed in. Dinah seemed skeptical towards Camila.

"Yeah yeah, this is her!" Lauren excitedly confirmed, as Camila stood in shock. Lauren's cheeks turned a little pink from embarrassment, she didn't want Camila knowing she talked about her.

"Cute" Taylor commented, then walking out.

"It's nice to meet you all! You all are very talented singers. I'm loving this band already." Camila looked at all of them, and appreciated what an awesome group they were. They fit in with each other, and their voices were all very unique but sounded wonderful together.

"We're fourth harmony" Lauren informed Camila, with a grin. She looked so proud, like she had accomplished something so great.

"I love it!" Camila complimented.

"Hey Lo, we're gonna head home. You coming?" Ally asked Lauren, as the other girls gathered their things.

Lauren stared at Camila, unable to take her eyes off of her. She was still in such shock. "No no.. I think I'm gonna stay tonight."

"Alright, see ya!" Ally, Normani, and Dinah all said goodbye as they walked out.

"So.." Lauren started, still staring at Camila in total amazement. "You're here in Miami again"

"Yeah" Camila giggled, feeling so comfortable with Lauren... kind of like she never left her presence in the first place.

"I never thought this would actually be real. I mean, I've thought about it... but I never thought it would actually happen."

"I live here again.. I am so glad. I missed it so much. I missed you, so much." Camila told her.

Lauren nodded with a smile. "Yeah. I missed you too."

"I uh.." Camila got lost in Lauren's deep green eyes for a moment. "I have to get back out there. I'm up there until they close."

"I'll be here when you're done." Lauren informed the girl with the puppy dog eyes.

"You don't have to come back tonight.. It will be so late." Camila argued, pulling her hair out of her face.

"It's worth it, I haven't seen you in five years."

"Right" Camila smiled, as if she needed a reminder.

Lauren would be back. But what would happen then?

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