Things Of My Past

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A few days passed and Lauren seemed to becoming distant towards Camila.
Camila noticed the little things like not wanting to go up to her at work, or sleeping further away in the bed. Camila was sensitive and noticed every little thing, so nothing got passed her.

"Camila!!" Taylor greeted Camila, as she was walking in the back after the party of the night was over.

"Hey boss" Camila tiredly greeted her with a slight smile.

"Listen, I know these are late hours but I have some good news." Taylor's red lips formed into a smile. "You've been doing so well here, every single night of the week you've been here and well.." Taylor made an excited expression. "I would like to offer you a raise! Up to thirty dollars more per hour."

"Wait are you serious?" Camila asked, a little shocked. "Oh my God! Thank you!!" Camila exclaimed, pulling Taylor into a hug.

"You earned it, girlfriend." Taylor complimented Camila as they released from their hug.

"Thank you." Camila thanked her from the bottom of her heart, and was on her way home. She didn't know whether or not Lauren would be there but she hoped so.

Camila unlocked the front door of her house and walked inside, taking off her high heels and pulling her hair into a pony tail. She was exhausted from the constant party, she could barely think straight. She walked upstairs into her bedroom, where she found Lauren sitting on her bed. Her legs were crossed and she had a serious look on her face. Her makeup was still on and her clothes were still on, all from the show earlier that night.

"Are you okay?" Camila started to ask, as she studied her expression.

"I don't know." Lauren said. "Yes."

"Okay.." Camila was hesitant and so tired. Lauren was hard to read.

"Can we talk?" Lauren was acting strange.

"Yeah of course" Camila replied, sitting down beside her. "What's up?"

"I've been thinking of a way to say this.. easily. I don't know if there really is an easy way but I hope so. Because the point is.. I am okay." Lauren explained, without really explaining.

"Go on..." Camila pushed. Lauren looked Camila in the eyes without regret or hesitation and Camila could feel her excitement.

"The girls and I are supposed to fly out to L.A. Our first visit, our first management meeting. We're supposed to set things up with an agent and manager and producers! Camila, this is our big break. This is us growing... this is my dream."

"Baby, why couldn't you tell me that? That's amazing!" Camila honestly answered.

"Because.. we're flying out in two days and I've known and I didn't say anything. I couldn't tell you, because I didn't want to leave you. I didn't want us to be separated again. Again." Lauren admitted.

"Two days?" Camila realized. "Oh. Oh that's soon." She tried to remain happy for her girlfriend.

"I know."

"So... you'll go in two days. That's that, and then you'll come back. Except you'll come back a celebrity." Camila said, a little nervous but not wanting to show it.

"We'll only be gone for two weeks. I'll be the same person, I promise. I really don't want to have to leave you across the country for two weeks, baby girl. But this is my shot." Lauren kissed Camila's forehead. "Thank you for supporting me."

"Always." Camila meant that. "So Saturday?"

"Yeah, we're leaving Saturday." Lauren sighed. "I'm so nervous"

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