Inevitably Together

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Camila woke up snuggled against Lauren on the sandy beach. The blanket was barely even spread out anymore but the warm sand was comforting enough. The smell of Lauren's dark hair made her never want to open her eyes, but she did. The sound of the ocean waves awake once again was so peaceful. Mornings at the ocean were the best thing she had ever experienced, although they hadn't planned on falling asleep. Camila got up off of Lauren's chest, and looked at her for a moment. She was so beautiful, like an unearthly angel or some kind of creature that wasn't even human. She was perfect. Camila smiled at the sight of Lauren being completely helpless and vulnerable. She didn't have a look of denial or hurt on her face whatsoever, just pure bliss and happiness. Camila nudged Lauren a bit to wake her up.

"Lauren" she said softly. Lauren slowly opened her eyes, the green orbs making their first appearance of the day.

"Hi" Lauren immediately smiled. "We fell asleep here last night" she realized, then giggled to herself.

"We did" Camila said, smiling at the fact that Lauren was smiling. "Do you want to go back to my house for the day?"

"Is that even a question?" Lauren smiled.

"I have to warn you, I did just move so it's a mess right now."

"I don't care about a mess, Camz. As long as I'm with you." Lauren sat up, and Camila helped her to her feet by pulling her by the hands.

The girls ventured back to Lauren's black jeep, throwing everything they had brought into the trunk. Lauren got into the drivers seat and Camila into the passengers. They worked together so well, being together just came so naturally.

"Hey do you wanna stop at Starbucks?" Lauren asked, as they were about the pass by there.

"Yes please!" Camila smiled, getting excited about the delicious coffee. Lauren swiftly pulled into the parking lot and parked. The two of them looked like beach bums with messy hair and left over makeup, but neither of them really cared. On their way in, Camila took Lauren's hand and held it. Their fingers intertwined and their hands fit together like perfect puzzle pieces, and it felt like home to the both of them.

Inside Starbucks, it smelled heavenly. The mixture of coffee and books were a perfect combination. There were people there working on their laptops, phones, or simply just enjoying a coffee. They both ordered what they wanted, ordering it to go. They stood at the counter where the drinks come out and waited for a moment, as they looked around the coffee shop and stood in silence, still holding hands. Just then, a familiar face walked into the coffee shop, catching Camila's eye first.

"Lucy, hi!" Camila greeted the stripper from the club that she had met a few days before. She wasn't particularly fond of the girl after the things her and the others said about Lauren, but it didn't hurt to be kind. Camila noticed Lauren tense up as soon as she laid eyes on the girl. Camila knew Lauren and Lucy didn't know each other based on what Lauren had told her, but Lucy sure seemed to know Lauren... all the strippers at Golden did.

"Hey" Lucy looked cheerful to see Camila, but barely acknowledged Lauren's existence. "Damn, you look rough" Lucy examined their beach hair and their legs still had traces of sand.

"We accidentally stayed at the beach all night... it's cool though, we're heading home." Camila informed her, as Lucy eyed Lauren.

"Well it was good seeing you!" Lucy said, and continued walking. Camila and Lauren received their coffee drinks, and were heading out.

"She seems nice." Camila said. "I don't know why you guys aren't friends."

"She's just not my friend type I guess." Lauren said nonchalantly. "It's not a big deal Camz, I'm sure she is nice."

And that was the end of that conversation. The girls got into Lauren's jeep and Camila directed her to her house. Lauren parked in Camila's driveway and Camila led Lauren to the door.

"I'm surprised you went for a house" Lauren said, looking around the spacey home. "Being only nineteen and all."

"Yeah well... I surprise myself a lot these days." Camila said, hustling up the stairs, Lauren followed.

Camila made her way into the largest room in the house. It was painted a pretty shade of ocean blue, like the shade of the Caribbean Sea. Her white dresser was more tall than wide, her night stand had a pink lamp resting on it, and the hard wood floor had a glossy shine. Camila sat down on her queen sized bed dressed in purple and white, and eagerly took off her shoes. Then came her pants, then her shirt. She almost didn't stop undressing before saying something, luckily she did.

"I uh.. have to take off my underwear so.."

"I won't look" Lauren smiled, finding Camila's sense of innocence cute. Lauren turned around as Camila stripped off her bra and underwear, and throwing on something clean to wear.

"Okay, all good" Camila giggled, and Lauren turned around to find Camila in an oversized black sweatshirt and white skinny jeans. She did have a thing for white skinny jeans, no one could deny. Lauren thought she did a fantastic job at wearing them, though.

"Lauren" Camila said, seriously." What.." she mumbled. "What are we?"
Lauren walked over to Camila, wrapping her arms around her waist. It felt natural and so incredibly right. Softly, Lauren pressed her lips against Camila's soft pink lips. They gently kissed, both feeling instant butterflies.

"Camila.." Lauren looked into Camila's warm chocolate eyes and smiled. The kind of smile you get when you think about your future with the love of your life, or when you watch the person you love hysterically laugh. "As long as we're near each other, we can't stay away. It happened when we were kids, and it's happening now. Let's just let it."

"You really mean that?" Camila eyes lit up.

"I do."

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