There She Was

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Camila looked in the bathroom mirror of the club. The walls were painted a shiny golden, and the sink and toilet were painted a glittery silver. The place was colorful, and it reminded Camila of what unicorn vomit might be like. Nevertheless, she liked it. It fit her personality. As she stared at her long brown hair in the mirror, and her sparkly makeup, she let another flashback consume her mind.

Mid Freshman Year

"You have got to stop this!" Lauren pleaded as the two girls stood face to face, alone in the girl's bathroom at school. Camila was fourteen, Lauren was fifteen.

"I don't know what I'm doing to make you so upset." Camila said, confused.

"You make everyone think that we're gay! Stop making everyone think we're together." Lauren demanded.

"Why am I the one doing that? How am I even doing it in the first place..?" Camila's feelings were shattered. "You're my best friend, of course I show affection. Just like I always have."

"Affection is too much. Everyone at school thinks it and my little brother hears it in the halls and confronts me about it at the dinner table." Lauren argued. "It can't happen."

Camila was silent, staring at the ground. She didn't want to look into her emerald eyes again.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled. "I guess I'm just confused." Camila was honest.

"About what? All I'm asking you to do is stop making people think and assume that we're gay. Stop looking at me like... like that" Lauren paused, as she saw Camila looking at her once again. "Stop fixing my hair when it's messy, stop complimenting me, stop flirting, stop calling me babe, stop touching my hand or my arm. Don't lean on me during lunch and don't try and kiss my cheek. Stop making people think we like each other." Lauren begged.

"But.." Camila reasoned. "Don't we?"

Lauren looked at her, almost letting her walls down. Camila could see the fear in Lauren's shiny eyes, she could see the confusion and the feelings. She could see the truth. But apparently, Lauren couldn't.

"Of course." Lauren responded, surprising Camila. Lauren had told Camila her feelings just days before, but it was all so new still. "But that doesn't mean we're doing something about it."

Flashback ends.

Camila stood there, remembering the ice cold words. The way it broke her heart, and disappointed her more than anything. Just thinking about the memory, she felt just as alone as she had been on that day. Remembering the way it felt to hear her best friend tell her to stop looking at her, or talking to her in a certain way. Remembering the desperate look on Lauren's face when she was begging Camila to stop doing those things. Like what people thought meant so much more than Camila even did. And Camila reminded herself, that that had been the case. She just wished it hadn't been.
She finished up her golden eye shadow, and left the bathroom to go put her makeup bag in her new locker. It was time to get started, so she made her way to the main room. People were starting to flood the place, hitting the dance floor and awaiting the super good DJ.
Camila took the stage, sitting at the DJ booth like it was her throne. She put her purple headphones on, and started a track with a fast paced beat. Working her magic, there were plenty of worn out, sweaty bodies dancing in no time. She loved music, and dance music was her favorite. She never bragged, but no one could deny she had a very attractive body, and a booty that was made for shaking on the dance floor. Everyone either found themselves drunk, dancing, staring at Camila, or all three.
Time flew by as Camila was embracing the life of the party once again, and it was time for her break. She played the last track, and left the stage. Walking to the back, she opened the doors to make her way to the locker room.

"Hey!" Taylor greeted her again. "I was expecting a good response from the crowd, but I had no idea it was going to be that good! Wow!"

"Thanks" Camila laughed, shrugging it off.

"Seriously, you really know how to hype up the crowd." Taylor doted. "The band, they call themselves Fifth Harmony, are here! They're taking the stage right now and so you can chill, and have some drinks! Don't worry, I won't tell." Taylor winked.
This band sounded interesting, Camila doubted they could hype up the crowd as much as she did though.
"I will introduce you to the band before you go back on later. They're not very well known, but they're a hit here in Miami. They do gigs often and there's talk of them possibly getting signed. They're very cool." Taylor told her, and Camila was excited to meet this cool band.

After her chat with Taylor, she walked out into the crowd. She found herself sitting at a stool at the bar, turning away from the stage. She heard the band performing though, and they sounded amazing.

"Hi can I get a beer?" Camila asked the bartender.

"Coming right up!" The bartender said with a smile.
Camila was handed her beer which was free since she worked there. She drank it quenching her incredibly dry throat, and felt ready to dance again. The party never ended for Camila.
After finishing the beer which made her drunk in no way, she turned around to join the dance floor, when she spotted an all too familiar face on the stage.
Her heart stopped.
She couldn't breathe.
She couldn't think.
She couldn't move.
There she was.
There was the girl Camila used to share a bond with. The girl Camila used to call her best friend. The one she spent so much time thinking about, the one she had once fallen desperately in love with.
There she was, singing on the stage with three other girls.
Lauren. She was there, ironically.
Camila shut her eyes, and reopened them again making sure this wasn't some kind of dream.
She lost her desire to dance, but she stood there helplessly, watching Lauren perform. She sang beautifully, and was wearing the sexiest costume. It looked like a one piece bathing suit, but thicker and it was matte black. Her butt was clearly visible and Camila almost lost her vision and her will to remain calm.
Inside, she was freaking out.
Because there she was.

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