You Can't Hurt Me Any Harder

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It was late Saturday night, and Lauren had just walked off the stage, where she met Lucy backstage, waiting for her. She was in her stripper costume and she had lots of makeup, which she only did at Golden.

"What are you doing? Aren't you working?" Lauren asked, concerned. She was sweating and exhausted from the performance. The crowd was the biggest it had ever been.

"I wanted to tell you how great you did!" Lucy explained. "You did great."

"Thanks!" Lauren smiled, and hugged Lucy. Dinah, Normani, and Ally watched in suspicion.

"Maybe we can go somewhere.." Lucy whispered in Lauren's ear.

"I don't know.. I need to find Camila. We haven't talked yet, I really need to speak with her before anything happens." Lauren said.

"But I want you now" Lucy whispered again. "Please?"

"I have to find Camz." Lauren subconsciously used the nickname she called Camila. She had called her that since they were kids, it naturally came out.

"K fine" Lucy said, and walked out onto the stage, making her way back to her pole. She seemed angry but frankly, Lauren didn't really care. She needed to find Camila.
She turned to walk to the very back area where she thought Camila would be, but at the same time Camila walked right past her, not glancing at her, not brushing her shoulder, not recognizing her. She walked into the stage with her headphones and water bottle and kept the party going.

Camila's POV
It was like everything was blurred, she could barely even breathe. The crowd kept getting bigger and bigger in her head, and the noises were getting louder. Everything kept getting closer than far away and her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest. She felt a burning sensation surrounding her heart and her head was spinning. She couldn't think straight anymore, as the room began to spin. She knew Lauren and Lucy were backstage behind her. She thought about Lauren's body pressed against Lucy's body, Lauren's lips on Lucy's lips. The images flashed throughout her head and it was as if she was in the midst of the worst nightmare she could ever dream. She thought about how Lucy had been working there the whole time, how she built somewhat of almost a friendship with her. She was so nice to her, and so sneaky. She thought of when Lucy kissed her quickly and begged her to leave Lauren, and how it was only to leave her in the dust so the two of them could be together. Her world spun, and it she felt like she could just die any moment. And then suddenly, she felt herself collapse, and her mind escaped from all of the feelings that were way too much.

Camila slowly started to wake up. She heard people talking but it was faded, and the voices were unfamiliar. Then she opened her eyes to see a white room, and there was an IV in her arm. She was in the hospital. She scanned the room, and saw outside her room, a doctor talking to Lauren. Lauren was there. What the hell was Lauren doing there? It hurt to look at her. Camila didn't want to look at her. Then she closed her eyes again, realizing how dry her throat was. She didn't remember much and she definitely wasn't sure why she was in the hospital. Lauren approached her bed, without the doctor.
"Hey, you're awake" Lauren's voice was always so soothing but not this time. It felt dangerous.

"Can I have water?" Camila thought she was dying of thirst.

"Yeah, here you go." Lauren handed her the glass of water that was waiting for her. "I know water always used to help when you got like this, back in middle school."

"Got like what?" Camila asked, as she took a sip of water.

"You had a panic attack, Camz."

"Oh God." Camila realized. "On stage?"

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