Someone I Can't Have

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Camila had changed and was now wearing black booty shorts and a red crop top that was loose on her. She had put her hair in a high pony tail, and she looked stunning. Lauren was out sitting at the bar waiting for Camila to take the stage.

Camila walked through the doors to the dance floor, through the large crowd of people, and to the stage. Her DJ booth was large and she felt right at home there. As she introduced herself to the crowd, she started her countdown of the Top 100 songs on the charts. Looking to her left, there was the stripper station, where they all were starting to dance around the poles. The stage was lower over there, and there were special seats on the stage that people could either win, or pay for. The strippers surrounded the seats with the random people sitting in them, entertaining them. As the music played continually, Camila found herself watching the most attractive girl on the stage. She watched as Lucy flipped her light brown hair, as she gripped the pole doing body rolls, faster and faster. She wrapped her legs around the pool, spinning around and biting her bottom lip trying to be seductive. Lucy wore a black lace bra and black lace underwear. Nothing else but black heels. For a moment, Camila wondered why she was working at a part time strip club - then reminded herself she had no problem with it whatsoever. Lucy made her way over to a chair with a young woman in it who was probably around twenty. She had curly blonde hair and looked very attractive from what Camila could see. Lucy placed a leg on each sides of her, grinding over the girl in the chair. Lucy had her hands on the girl's shoulders, continuing to move her body back and forth. Then switching positions, she stood up, turned around and started to move her ass around right in front of the girl. Camila could feel herself getting a little turned on and looked away. She didn't know how she was going to deal with this every Saturday.
Time was passing quickly watching the show, and Camila looked over to see Fifth Harmony waiting to go on. Camila wrapped up the first half of her display, then left the stage wishing Lauren good luck.
Camila walked back to the locker room to get a drink of water, and once she got there she noticed Lucy had excused herself from the stage, and was now sitting on the bench.

"Hey" Lucy greeted her, still wearing only a black bra and black underwear. Camila felt herself getting nervous and breathing heavier.

"Hi.." Camila replied, taking a drink.

"So you're Lauren's friend?" Lucy jumped right to it.

"Yeah. We've been friends for a long time." Camila paused. "Why? Do you know her?"

Lucy hesitated, then spoke. "No.. no I don't. I'm just good at making observations and I like talking to pretty girls."

"Likewise" Camila smiled. This Lucy girl was surely flirting with her, and Camila found it funny.
Lucy stood up, her body was toned and she had defined abs along with leg and shoulder muscle.

"I better get back out there" Lucy turned to walk out, then turned back around. "Oh, and one more thing! I hope you liked what you saw out there, I noticed you staring."
And with that, she was gone and back to her precious pole. Camila felt like she had been a little violated, and wished Lucy hadn't noticed her watching. But oh well. Camila chugged her water quickly and went to go watch her friend sing,
Watching Lauren up there with the three other girls made Camila proud to know her. They sang their own songs, had amazing choreography, and they all stood for good values. Camila wished she could've come home sooner and reestablish her friendship with Lauren sooner.. but now that she was home, she knew she could never leave.

Everyone comes with scars
But you can love them away
I told you that I wasn't perfect
You told me the same
I think that's where we belong
Together and unashamed
I told you that I wasn't perfect
No way

The lyrics that Lauren sang were so deep and resonated with her soul so deeply. Camila pushed those thoughts to the back of her head every moment that she was around Lauren. She tried to forget about what they put behind them and the feelings that were once there. But truthfully, the wound was still there. It was a gaping wound, that had been neglected and so many bandaids were placed on top to make the pain go away.. but a bandaid couldn't fix it.
Nothing could.
Every time Camila looked into Lauren's beautiful, captivating, emerald eyes she saw moments from the past that she would never forget. Moments of imagining scenarios with her best friend that would never happen, moments of honesty between them when they were alone, moments of opening up to each other, and the moments where Lauren would constantly push her away. It still hurt so damn bad, but Camila still tried to ignore it for the chance that Lauren could be in her life again. And as she watched Lauren on that stage, singing her heart out in her raspy, deep and powerful voice, it hit her that no matter how many times Lauren told her to stop feeling more than friendly feelings for her, no matter how many days she spent waiting for a call or text from her old best friend who soon became a stranger, no matter how badly she wanted to call Lauren her own, she would always be right back to her. She would always give Lauren more chances and always let her back in. She could never be free from the strong hold Lauren had on her, and Lauren didn't even know it.
Because nothing can hurt a person more, than wanting someone you can't have.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you all are liking the story so far. I plan to put a lot more into it and build up the story line, so thanks for your support. Feedback is literally what motivates me to keep writing, so don't forget to vote if you like it. I absolutely adore receiving comments, so let me know what you think! Thanks loves 💕

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