Starting Over

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Golden closed at different times sometimes, but the party usually ended at around twelve thirty AM. Camila played the last song, and excused herself from the stage. She had tried to have fun amidst the second part of her gig, but she couldn't keep her mind off of Lauren.
Lauren Lauren Lauren.
That was the only thing going through her mind, teasing, taunting and pulling at every memory that consisted of her. The good memories, the bad ones, even the memories where Lauren wasn't even there, but Camila was crying over her, alone in her bedroom.
Lauren had taught Camila that when it's all over and done, and you haven't heard from them in five years, the good memories hurt so much more than the bad ones.
But now, Camila wasn't positive that it was over and done. Not completely at least.
She didn't doubt that her original friendship with Lauren was gone... because neither of them could deny, it was.
But what if... just what if, they rekindled that fire that once burned deep inside of them? What if they could look each other in the eyes again without pain rushing throughout their heads and hearts? What if they could hug each other without remembering every time Lauren rejected a hug?
Camila thought about it so carefully and deeply, trying to push away the fact that she wanted it more than she realized.
As Camila entered the locker room, there was was with her shorter brown hair and her big smile.

"Hey" she greeted Camila again, trying to hide her enthusiasm meanwhile Camila was trying to hide her nervousness.

"Hi" Camila smiled, getting her bag. "I'm gonna change into something more comfortable, I'll be right back." Camila informed her, then slipped into the bathroom.

While waiting on Camila, Lauren took a deep breath. She hoped with all her heart Camila wasn't holding a grudge because of what happened before Camila left Florida. She hoped she didn't think about it or lose sleep over it. Lauren regretted pushing her away, and being so harsh when it came to their affection. Lauren regretted her fear of happiness, and often found herself denying its existence in her life.

Camila came out of the bathroom dressed in a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans with black converse.

"No bow?" Lauren questioned with a half smile. She was so used to Camila wearing bows with everything.

"Thank God those days are over" Camila replied with giggle. "I haven't worn bows in a while."

"You're grown up" Lauren recognized, and the words left a bittersweet taste in her mouth.

"So are you" Camila looked at her, how different she really was. She appeared stronger and more put together, and even 'more intimidating.

"So um... I was thinking we could go somewhere and talk. Catch up on life... It's so weird that we don't even know each other anymore - yet here you are." Lauren suggested.

"I know a place" Camila answered, making eye contact with the shining green eyes. They always used to be able to communicate that way, and Camila was hoping Lauren would pick up on where she was hinting to. But Lauren stood there waiting for Camila to tell her. "Matheson Hammock Park"

Lauren knew exactly where Camila was talking about. Matheson Hammock Park was a beach there in Miami where the girls used to hang out all the time. They would camp there on the shore, and chase each other through the arrayed palm trees on spring days, or go night swimming when they weren't supposed to. Lauren remembered sitting on a sand mound next to Camila, the summer going into freshman year. Camila was fourteen, Lauren fifteen. It was the year before Camila left for New York, and their friendship was massively strong. She remembered sharing her deepest fears with her best friend, as they talked hand in hand. The image of Camila's slim body in her white bikini, and her long brown hair draping around her shoulder, blowing in the breeze. It was on those hot summer nights where Lauren questioned herself. She questioned why she found herself looking so closely at her best friend, and why she felt such infatuation towards her.

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