What if I Can't Forget

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Fifth Harmony had finished their set, and it was time for Camila to go back on. As she was walking on the stage, Lauren was walking off. She was out of breath and worn out. Quickly, she grabbed Camila's arm getting her attention.

"Hey, so we have Sundays off and I was wondering if you wanted to go hang out tomorrow night?" Lauren asked, she had a huge smile spread across her face.

"Yeah for sure!" Camila responded, getting a warm feeling in her tummy.

"Okay great. Good luck! I'm headed home but I'll text you in the morning." And then Lauren disappeared behind some doors along with her band mates. Her short brownish black hair was extra wavy after all of the dancing, and their costumes that night were different. Lauren was wearing another body suit but it was camouflage and tighter this time. Camila was now on the stage, playing music for the party as everyone continued on. The strippers on the other side of the stage were at work, and all Camila could think about now was Lauren. The way she moved her body on the stage, better than any girl there could ever do. Even the strippers who got paid and trained to do so... Lauren did it better. The way her powerful raspy voice echoed throughout the building when she sang, sending chills down Camila's spine. How she looked so intimidating on the stage, and so adorable and approachable off stage. After being distracted by Lucy and the others for the first half of the night, she barely even noticed anyone else. Lauren was on her mind, and now that she knew she would be hanging out with her the next day, she couldn't shake the feeling of butterflies away.
The time passed by quickly and everyone had gone home. Camila excused herself from the stage, finally taking off her purple headphones and getting some water. Her head was starting to ache from her high pony tail, and she was ready to get some sleep. Walking past the bar, and past the back doors into the locker room, she remembered all of the strippers would be back there.
Before she had time to make a run for it, there they all were. None of them had barely any clothes on whatsoever, and if Camila hadn't gotten enough of a view of skin before, she had now. Girls of different skin tones from pale to tan, to dark swarmed around the room. Taking off pieces of jewelry, some taking their hair down, some sitting on the ground chugging either water or some sort of alcohol. Camila stepped over a few girls in order to get to her locker, and she felt all eyes on her.

"Ay girls look, it's the new DJ" Lucy brought everyone's attention to Camila.

"Hi" Camila turned and waved awkwardly, with a half smile.
One girl whistled, then a few girls laughed. The brown eyed girl started feeling a little uncomfortable with no real familiar faces around.

"Camila's friends with one of the Fifth Harmony girls" Lucy informed.

"Yeah.." Camila felt more awkward than she already was used to.

"Everyone knows not to get too close.." one of the strippers brought up, then shying away.

"We aren't talking about that Bri." Lucy snapped at her, then focused her attention back on Camila.

"Just.. be careful." Lucy warned Camila as her puppy dog eyes were getting confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Camila asked, concerned.

"Oh nothing.. just don't get attached is all I'm trying to say. We all don't want anything negative to happen... we all want peace here at Golden." The other strippers nodded in agreement.

"Okay... thanks?" Camila's voice trailed off as she grabbed her things from her locker, and made her way out the door. She couldn't help but wonder how those girls knew Lauren well enough to assume there wouldn't be peace between their friendship. Camila was confused but she didn't put much effort into thinking through it. It didn't really matter to her as long as her and Lauren were on good terms.

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