Who Knew We Would Be So Happy

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About a week and a half since Lauren left Camila's house, Lauren moved to California with Ally, Dinah, and Normani for their music career. None of them knew what would happen or how far they would get but they were all desperate to work their hardest to get there. Before Lauren went, she didn't say goodbye to Camila. She wanted to very badly, but the aching in her chest when she thought of talking to Camila, or saying goodbye to her again, prevented her. So she packed up her apartment, gave her land-lord the key, and chased her dreams. Just like Camila told her to. The band could not believe who they were signed to, let alone that they had a record deal at all. But they did.

Whenever Lauren would sing whether she was recording, singing live, or just plain writing, she thought of Camila. The girl with the big brown eyes, who always pointed out the moon when it hung low in the sky. The girl with the bows that turned to head phones, who loved music and always knew the best songs to play. The girl who would make the dumbest jokes but were somehow hilarious every time. The girl who loved words, poetry, coffee shops, pictures, and putting a smile on other peoples' faces. Her Camz, who Lauren would never stop missing. And somewhere along the way of singing, writing, performing, selling music, meeting new people, and award shows - she stopped thinking about her. She stopped thinking about her when she sang a sad song or a song that reminded her of Camila. She stopped thinking about her when she was in interviews or when she saw the crowds that came to support "Fifth Harmony." And she didn't even notice it happening, it's like all of the sudden she woke up and she wasn't hurting anymore. Until one day she realized, she had moved on. She didn't know how or when or why, all she knew was that she was okay and she didn't need Camila to be happy. She had her music, her friends, her fans, and her family. But as much as she was okay, she didn't allow herself to think about Camila. Any time her mind would randomly wander back to her Cuban best friend, she immediately removed her from her thoughts. She didn't let herself remember, she didn't look at pictures, because she knew if she did... she would still miss her.

Fifteen Years After Lauren and Camila Last Saw Each Other

Camila's POV

It was a sunny morning as usual in Miami, Florida. Camila had woken up about an hour ago, and was just now getting around to making her coffee. She was exhausted. She was thirty-four years old, living in an even bigger house than when she first moved back to Miami. She had such good times continuing at Golden, as the DJ, but hadn't worked there in five years. She now worked at a local bookstore and she absolutely loved it. Helping people find the books they want, introducing them to new ones. She also spent a lot of time writing. As she trudged sleepily into the kitchen, she heard the television on in the living room. She smiled to herself seeing that coffee had already been made, and poured herself a large cup. Then she carried her mug into the living room, to see what was on the TV.

"What are you watching?" Camila kindly asked, as a pair of dark brown eyes looked over to meet hers.

"Well I was watching a show, but now I'm flipping channels, mommy." Camila's six year old daughter answered, as she pushed her brown curls out of her face. Camila sat down on the frumpy couch beside her, snuggling up close. She watched the television, skeptical of her little girl watching news.
Until she saw exactly what she was watching, and once she realized, her heart skipped a beat.
"The former band, "Fifth Harmony" is having their ten year reunion since the multiplatinum girl group split ways ten years ago. Dinah Jane, Ally Brooke, Normani Hamilton, and Lauren Jauregui will be putting on a charity show on June 8, in honor of many memories and a great bond between the ladies. Where are they now? Let's take a look." The entertainment news channel reporter said. The TV showed some updated pictures of Dinah with her husband and two kids, giving a brief description of what she had been up to over the last ten years. Then they put up some pictures of Normani with her husband. She had no kids, but she ran a dance academy in California, also giving voice lessons. They showed Ally, with her three children and husband, they looked like such a cute family. Camila thought they all looked so different, as did she. After the other girls, Camila braced herself. Lauren's pictures popped up on the television suddenly.
"Lauren Jauregui, 35, never stopped working on her music. Similar to Dinah Jane. Jauregui has spent the last ten years as a human rights activist, putting that as her number one priority. She lives in California with her wife and 3 year old son, focusing on the aspects of motherhood. Jauregui still speaks out on self acceptance as frequently as she can, attending political protests every so often. She looks forward to reuniting with 'her girls' as she likes to put It, and can't wait to see her harmonizers, whom she still loves and appreciates very much." The reporter said, Lauren's pictures still on. Lauren looked mature, and maybe two years older thank 20 at least. Her green eyes were just as bright and her hair was just as long. The TV showed pictures of her with her son, as Camila tried to snap herself out of the mere shock she was in. Lauren had a son. And a wife. She repeated in her head, not even knowing what to feel. She hadn't thought of Lauren in years, she had moved on and been over her for a long time. But seeing her picture and hearing about her life... Camila's heart was heavy. It triggered emotions she didn't even know where there.
"She's pretty" Camila's daughter, Rose, remarked. Rose stared at the television in awe of the four girls. Camila smiled, also staring.
"She is." Camila nodded.
"Good morning!" Camila's heart fluttered as one of her favorite people (her daughter being the other one,) jumped onto the couch beside them.
"What are my girls watching?"
Camila acknowledged her wife, who she thought looked so beautiful - even in the mornings. She had her dark curly hair pulled into a bun, her blue eyes were shining. She was in her pajamas still, plaid blue pants and a giant white sweatshirt. She was smiling and radiant as always. Her name was Samantha, and Camila was so in love with her.

"Well miss Rose here was flipping channels all by herself, and found the celebrity news channel." Camila explained, looking lovingly at Samantha, who she called Sam.

"Such a big girl!" Samantha raved as she smiled over at her daughter. She was only six but the two of them felt like she was getting so old. Time was flying. Samantha turned to look at the television too.
"Ooo Fifth Harmony" She acknowledged. "Woah, they split ten years ago? That's crazy! I remember going to a concert of theirs when they got really big."
"I never got to see them in concert. I guess I never paid too much attention to them when they got big." Camila said, and she wasn't lying.
"I used to admire them all.. very pretty voices. But anyways, who wants to make waffles?" Samantha proposed, smiling her wide and giddy smile. And just like that, the subject had changed and Camila wasn't for a moment sad or full of any regret. This was her family, and she loved them. She was happy... truly happy. And she felt that was what she deserved after everything. She was beyond at peace with her life, feeling almost overjoyed. She got to love her wife and child every single day, she loved them in a way she never even understood years ago. She had found her forever.

Lauren's POV

The same night, Lauren was in California. It was late and her husband had gone to sleep, so had her little boy. She tried to sleep but she just couldn't.. something had been on her mind. She knew the news had come out about the Fifth Harmony reunion, and out of the blue she wondered if Camila had saw. She wondered if for a second she ran through Camila's mind.
Lauren sat outside on her balcony, it was a dark and clear sky. Millions of stars lined the sky, and she was reminded of how Camila always pointed out the stars and the moon. For the first time in a really long time, she let herself think of Camila. Her Camz. Just simply to remember. And although she was happy with her life, spouse, and family... she spent her whole life missing her. Just like she knew she would. But for once, she was at peace. And she hoped Camila was too.

~ The End ~

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