Chapter 3

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Camila knew sleeping with Lauren was wrong not only because she was dating Austin but also because the only reason they slept together was so that she could keep Lauren from sleeping with a random girl. It might be morally wrong but it felt so right, physically. Last night Lauren admitted to loving Camila, and it was not something Camila was expecting at all. All this time she assumed Lauren didn't feel that way about her, knowing Lauren wasn't one to settle down or do relationships she never actually considered this.

If Lauren loved her and she loved Lauren then, they should give this whole commitment thing a try right? I mean they already do most of the things couples do, they just never labeled it or set rules. So Camila made up her mind then and there, she was going to tell Lauren how she felt.

Before she could snuggle deeper into Lauren, the sound of Lauren's phone went off. Making sure it wasn't an emergency Camila checked the phone. It was a text from a random number.

From: (555) 387-9625
I guess you couldn't make it last night? It's totally fine, we can meet up today if you have time? I think I found exactly what your looking for.

She had couldn't really tell if this text was suggestive or not but you had to be an idiot not to notice what was going on. She was going to meet up with someone in the middle of the night, of course it was a hook up. It's typical Lauren after all. It made her feel a little disgusted with herself and with Lauren. She got out of bed and jumped in the shower.

How could Lauren love her but still want to sleep around with every girl she could get her hands on? It made no sense. Even if she loved Lauren and Lauren loved her she couldn't be with her, Lauren just wasn't going to be able to ever commit. She couldn't tell Lauren how she felt.

After getting dressed for the day she began to make breakfast knowing the boys would be up pretty soon seeing as Caspian had a game later on in the afternoon. She tried not to be angry but she couldn't help herself so she harshly mixed the pancake batter and she flipped them very roughly. She was in the midst of angrily flipping pancakes when she felt two arms wrap around her waist and a head snuggle into the crook of her neck.

"I woke up and the bed was cold, so I came looking for the warmth." Lauren whispered as she placed feathered kisses on her neck. "Why are we up this early?" She asked.

"Caspian has a game today, we have to stop by the grocery store and buy snacks for all the team it's our turn to bring them." She said sounding annoyed and breaking free from Lauren's embrace.

"Okay? But it's 7 in the morning the game isn't until 1." She pointed out to which Camila ignored. "Come back to bed with me?" She said pulling at the girl's hand.

"No, Lauren last night was a mistake we shouldn't have done that. I don't know what got into me. It can't happen again." She said sternly. It was disappointing to Lauren to hear Camila say last night was a mistake but she knew she had to go along with whatever the younger girl wanted to do. It was all part of the plan.

"Okay, if that's what you want. It won't happen again." She said giving the brown eyed girl a soft reassuring smile. Noticing Camila was killing pancakes she decided to help her out. "Mind if I take over? Your sort of squishing them." She took over pancake making while Camila cooked the bacon and eggs.

"Would it be okay if Austin joined us for the game today?" Camila asked after it was silent for a while. Lauren couldn't let her anger or jealousy show  so she took a breath and calmed herself down.

"Sure, it gives us a chance to get to know each other better. See what other things we have in common."

Before Camila had a chance to yell at Lauren a sleepy Caspian walked into the kitchen in his batman underwear.

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