Chapter 10

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"SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!" Everyone at the booth shouted.

"I don't think this is a good idea but...Fuck it!" Lauren knocked back the shot along everyone else and everyone cheered.

It was the night before her wedding and she was out with her best 'man' Dinah and all her groomsmen (Will, Shawn, Elliot, Chris, and Zayn) it was an impromptu bachelorette party. She wasn't expecting this at all, especially the part involving her getting drunk. Camila made Dinah promise that she'd take care of Lauren, not sure she was keeping that promise since Dinah was pretty drunk herself.

Camila was spending the night at their apartment celebrating her bachelorette party with her maid of honor (sofi) and bridesmaids (Taylor, Normani, ally, Taylor S., Selena.) she had become good friends with all the servers but she was definitely closer to them. They were drinking wine and having a girl talk, giving Camila advice  on different topics. Things were kept PG because sofi was around. We'll sort of PG, she knew more than Camila expected her to know.

Lauren's night was definitely not PG considering they were at a strip club, she had rejected a lap dance for the second time that night so she was still not gone enough to make stupid decisions but she wasn't far off. Drinking was not something she wanted to do but the hype around her definitely influenced her and seeing Elliot after the accident was not something she wanted to go through sober. She had completely forgot she asked him to be one of her groomsmen and frankly she wasn't expecting him to show up after the accident. Well more like she didn't want him to show up. What they did and lived through those few days definitely affected her and she's been able to keep her thoughts and emotions at bay since she's been back but just seeing the dude affected her deeply.

But this weekend was all about happiness, her and Camila, her family finally becoming a whole. She couldn't let those bad memories affect her. Not now and hopefully not ever.

They were about to take another shot of rounds when Chris took the shot glass from Lauren. "I think you've had enough, let's not have you show up to your own wedding with a huge hangover." He said after Lauren gave him a confused look.

"Your probably right." She admitted, she was already drunk and drinking even more would obviously make things worse tomorrow morning. "Thanks baby bro." She said laying her head on his shoulder.

"Alright she's out but we can still drink so...Let's get some more shots!!" Dinah yelled out to their server.

"I think your enjoying yourself more than the actual bride to be here mate ." Zayn their new buddy said pointing at Lauren who was cuddling up to Chris falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Lauren this affectionate in the four years I've known her." Elliot joked. And everyone stopped their conversations to hear more of what he had to say. "Back in Afghanistan she was always a hard ass. Bossing everyone around, shouting at everyone. Heck she hardly even smiled let alone let you give her a damn hug." He laughed, everyone laughed considering they knew a different version of Lauren, she was always affectionate specially with girls, she was really affectionate actually.

"That was my job, after all I was your boss you idiot." She slurred, she wasn't paying much attention to everyone mostly because she was falling asleep. It was definitely time to head out.

"Maybe we should call it a night, it's pretty late," Chris said looking at his watch. "Well technically its early and we all have to be up in less than 5 hours." For being the youngest of the group he was definitely being the more mature of the bunch.

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