Chapter 20

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          Camila was at home bored out of her mind, her in laws came over and took the boys for the day and she still wasn't sure when Lauren would be home, but she had plans to meet up with the girls later so that would be fun. Now would be a good time to work on her book but as of lately she was feeling uninspired. Which is why instead of working on it she was in a large t-shit and boy shorts, watching boring reality tv and eating all the junk food Lauren doesn't let her eat. Lauren has been talking to Normani too much.

"Camz." Lauren called out, the house seemed too quiet. "Camila!" She called out a little louder, her car was in the driveway so she had to be home.

"In the living room!" She herd Camila shout out.

"Uhh...listen....I don't want you to freak out but I kind of got in a fight." She said as she neared the living room, she really wasn't lying because she did in fact get in a fight. She herd the sound of a bowl hit glass. "Hey babe." Lauren said innocently, as she entered the room. 

"Oh god Lauren! What the hell  happened to you?!" She yelled out asking her wife.

"I ran into Elliot." She answered lightly joking, which was also the truth.

"Every time you leave this house you come back with a new injury."she pointed out. "Are you okay?" She asked concerned, cupping Lauren's cheek tenderly.

"I'm fine I promise, just a few broken bones and stitches nothing to bad. I sort of may have lied to you tho." Lauren admitted nonchalantly like breaking bones was nothing, she wouldn't make the mistake of keeping secrets from her wife.

"About what?" Camila asked concerned.

"About my reasons for going to Atlanta...There was no funeral, Kenny's wife called me that night saying he was in trouble, so I went. Someone from his old unit had him kidnapped and I had to go get him back." Lauren explained, as best as she could, this seemed like the plot to some action movie.

"Is that how you got all these injuries? God Lauren! Why would you go off an do something so stupid?!" She scolded her wife.

"No these really were from fighting with Elliot. He sort of helped me but then I might of let the anger take over for a bit...I'm sorry I lied to you but I didn't want you to worry and I knew you wouldn't let me go. I couldn't leave him behind after everything he did for me. I'm sorry I hate lying to you Camila." Lauren apologized.

"I'm oblivious upset that you went all Rambo without letting me know. But I'm glad your okay." She said sincerely, placing a light kiss on Lauren's lips considering it was slightly bruised.

"How did I get so lucky?" Lauren said, kissing her wife.

"Oh your not going to sweet talk your way out of this. You got some groveling to do." She said, because  Lauren wasn't going to get off that easy.

" I brought you flower's so that gets me some points right?" Lauren said playfully, she planned on fully making it up to her wife. "By the way, the house is really quiet where are my chickens...and Spencer?" She asked.

"Your parents wanted to spend the day with them. Unlike you they're making an effort to include Spencer." Camila answered back a bit harshly.

"Can we not argue about this again." Lauren pleaded, she had little to no sleep and the last thing she needed was another argument. "I'm tired." She admitted, and Camila gave in. They cuddled on the couch and watched tv until Lauren fell asleep, Camila had informed her that they were meeting up with the girls later that night.

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