Chapter 12 (part one)

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It was 12pm and Lauren was apparently still sleeping. She was going above and beyond to avoid any and all conversations with Camila. It was pointless, nothing was wrong and she was fine. That's all there is to it. Why couldn't Camila just drop it?

She should probably get up now, get it over with so they could move on from it. But. . . she was being childish. She didn't want to talk about who Jen was, or why she was acting weird with Elliot or why she didn't enjoy the stupid dinner the marines threw for her, or why she wasn't as excited as she should be for receiving her medal, or even that strange moment she had during dinner with her family. None of it, she didn't want to think about it let alone talk about it.

It was Monday but the boys were off from school, winter break and all. Which meant nobody would be leaving the house all day, she really had no way of avoiding Camila any longer. But she could sleep in for at least another hour, and she planned to. Only she needed to pee really badly, but Camila might hear her. God this sucked. You know that feeling when you have to pee so bad it cripples you, yeah that was Lauren right now. And the added pressure didn't help with her broken ribs.

"Lauren, get up and use the bathroom now." Camila said annoyed, Lauren was being a child.

She definitely took Lauren by surprise, when did Camila get so sneaky? She was caught, and she couldn't avoid her any longer but right now she couldn't think about that because she really had to go.

As you would expect, she took as long as she could in the bathroom, really hoping Camila wouldn't be waiting for her in they're bedroom. But much to her dismay she was definitely there, arms crossed, not amused at all.

"Morning babe," Lauren tried playing it off and leaned down to kiss Camila but she turned her cheek.

"Don't 'morning babe' me," she rolled her eyes. "I meant what I said last night Lauren we have to talk." She said very seriously.

"What's there to talk about? Everything is fine camz." She shrugged, throwing herself back on the bed.

"No it's not. You've been acting weird these last few days. And what happened at dinner the other night-" she began her speech but Lauren cut her off.

"Was nothing, I am fine. Can we please just drop it?" She sighed now she was starting to get annoyed.

"No. Lauren all your weird behavior is making me feel like you have PTSD. May–" she admitted but again was cut of by Lauren this time she was sitting up.

"What?! That's crazy, I think I would know if I had that. I get that you worry about that kind of stuff but I am fine. I spaced out for a few minutes that's it. I really think your overreacting." She knew getting angry with Camila would not help her case, she had to keep her cool. She knew Camila worried about her having more than physical injuries but it was impossible. Lauren didn't have PTSD, Camila was definitely overreacting.

"Can you please let me finish a sentence?" Camila asked rhetorically but Lauren nodded anyway. "Look you were in a plane crash, and you were lost for 6 days, not to mention the fact that you've spent 4 years of your life at war, doing god knows what. It takes a toll on anybody, and if you say you feel fine it only makes me think your not fine. Nobody can be just fine after something as traumatic as that Lauren. I know that dinner must have been hard the other night, seeing all your friends just as beat up as you or worse, it had to of brought up some bad memories."

"Okay I'm not lie, it was hard but I got over it. I was just overwhelmed and I let it get to me but I am okay. You don't have to worry about me." She said scooting over next to Camila. "Camila I promise you that if I ever feel like I'm not okay, I'll let you know and I'll get professional help. But I swear to you that as of right now I'm perfectly fi-okay." This is what Camila needed to hear, she knew that.

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