Chapter 31

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Considering the day she had yesterday Lauren slept in. She eventually woke up to the smell of pancakes but more specifically chocolate pancakes. She went and got cleaned up before leaving the bedroom.

When she finally got to the kitchen she saw the boys perched up on the counter stuffing their little faces with chocolaty goodness.

"Mama! Look!" Caspian yelled at her holding out his plate with two chocolate pancakes soaked in chocolate syrup. You can never have too much chocolate. "Mommy knows how to make chocolate pancakes." He added reminding her of their failed attempt to make them yesterday.

"Does she now? Here let me try them." She said stealing a bite from his plate. "Mmm...your right she does know how to make them." She gave him a goofy grin and ruffled his bed head. Then she walked over to Camila who was standing in front of the stove flipping pancakes and she wrapped her arms around her, letting her forehead fall on her shoulders.

"Good morning amor." Lauren mumbled into Camila.

"Good morning baby, how'd you sleep?" Camila's asked, she herd Lauren mumble a good. "I bet, when I came home last night you were out cold. What did you guys do yesterday?" She asked.

"Nothing really, we tried making pancakes but we failed. We found a carnival and hung around for a bit, we came home and played in the game room, and then we crashed." Lauren listed off being as vague as possible.

"Yeah? That sounds like fun." She said holding in a laugh. "So Phillip came by earlier today..." she lied because she wanted to see if Lauren would tell her on her own about her little slide incident. The boys woke up and immediately told her all that had happened that day.

"Did he now?... what did he want?" Lauren was too embarrassed to ever tell Camila about it, so she was going to hold it off as long as possible.

"He just wanted to make sure you didn't get stuck in the slide again." She said immediately going into a laughing fit . She always knew she married a child but even this was a knew low for Lauren.

"Who told you?" Lauren grumbled into Camila's shoulder. She was too embarrassed to look up at her.

"WE DID!!" Both boys yelled out, laughing along with Camila.

"I just have one question."Camila said between laughs. "What was going through your mind when you were stuck in there?" She asked only getting a loud huff from Lauren.

And that's how they spent their morning, eating pancakes and making fun of Lauren.


     Since Lauren's trip to the grocery was a big fail in Camila's eyes considering they got nothing but junk food, and she had decided to surprise Lauren with a romantic night together and she wanted to attempt to make her favorite food. So she and the boys took off to the grocery store while Lauren stayed back with Kelsea since it was still fairly cold out and the last thing they wanted was a sick two month old.

        At the grocery store the boys were being very well behaved and putting all the other little kids to shame. They knew that they couldn't pull the bullshit Lauren let them pull when they were with Camila. They stood by the cart as Camila ordered the fresh salmon, when they herd someone call out their mothers name.

"Camila? Camila Cabello is that you?" The mans deep voice called out.

Camila was completely surprised to see him standing in front of her, considering she never thought she'd see him again.

"Paul? Oh my god. Hey." She went through  a couple of stages in those few second, confusion, shock, and recognition. Paul was Camila's old college friend? Ex? Fling? Not sure what to call him, since they only went on a few dates but obviously nothing came out of it.

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