Chapter 13

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Camila didn't waste anytime to get Lauren in to see a therapist. She literally had her in an office the day after their talk. Nothing with her mental health had changed since it was only her first session but she did stop drinking and as much as they both hated it she was sleeping in a separate bedroom. Not because there was anything wrong with their relationship simply because Lauren was afraid of unintentionally hurting Camila again and frankly so was Camila if they were being honest.

Today was Friday which was a pretty exciting day for the Jauregui's, well for now it was only the oldest two and lets not forget Dinah who knew why today was so exciting. This would be the first ever doctors visit Lauren would be attending and she had been ecstatic about it since she found out, that was until they actually got into the exam room. It was kind of awkward watching a hunky looking dude go down on her wife and check out all her lady bits. She was sitting there uncomfortably as her wife had her vagina swabbed, apparently it's a something that happens.

"So everything seems to look good." Dr. Hyde said after finishing with his exam. "And you said you took a pregnancy test at home and it was positive correct?" He asked as he rolled his little stool to the counter to write down on his chart.

"Yeah." She answer as she sat up from the awkward positions she was in.

"Okay, well your blood test came back with the same results. Your definitely pregnant. Judging by the test I would say your around 8-9 weeks but I'll have a technician come in and give you an ultrasound just so we can get a better estimate on your due date." He explains. "Congratulations Camila." He smiles up at her.

"Sounds good, Thanks James." She says excitedly and reaches out for Lauren's hand which she gladly gives her.

Dr. Hyde writes down a few more think and exist the room. As excited as Lauren is for the confirmation that she and Camila are definitely having another baby she can't help but feel a little jealous that Camila is on a first name basis with the dude.

"James huh? . . . I didn't know you and your doctor got along so well." She tried to sound nonchalantly but it definitely did not come out that way.

"Yeah, I guess. He did deliver the boys and saw my vagina rip and expand so I figured we could at least be on a first name basis." Camila rolled her eyes and laughed at the obvious jealously Lauren was feeling. Which she thought was completely absurd, I mean they literally just found out they are having another child together.

"Does he have to keep doing that?" She asked referring to Camila's checkup, as Camila changed out of her  gown and back into her clothes.

"Honestly I don't remember but I'm pretty sure he doesn't." Camila laughed, jealous Lauren was cute.

Lauren let out a breath, "Okay good."

"Your being really silly babe. He's a gynecologist I'm pretty sure I'm not the on–" Camila was interrupted by a blonde nurse entering the exam room with the ultrasound machine. She didn't say anything to them and just sort of adjustment the machine and put on her gloves.

Lifting up Camila's shirt and exposing her relatively flat tummy. "This might feel a little cold." The nurse said to Camila as she squeezes a good amount of jelly on her lower stomach. That was definitely a not a little cold judging by the way Camila flinched. "Okay so there is your fetus." She points to the screen. "Your 9 weeks 2 days. Your fetus is about the size of–" the nurse explains but Lauren sort of tunes her out and gets fixated on the screen that is showing her, her baby. Well it doesn't look like a baby at all but it will eventually. It feels a little surreal for her, she shouldn't be this affected by it considering she has two kids already but she's never see this. In a couple of months she's going to have another kid, holy shit that's incredible. "Would you like to listen to the heartbeat?" She asked both Cuban girls, Lauren couldn't say yes fast enough.

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