Chapter 19

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At the rate Lauren was driving she'd arrive sooner than expected. It was about a 5 hour drive to Atlanta. She could of caught a flight and arrived in less than two hours but some airports are a little iffy about carrying weapons. She didn't plan on ever having to use another weapon again but she was also aware that this day might come. She wasn't sure who was behind this exactly but she knew who to call to get information unfortunately for her, it was the person she hated the most in this world. Pulling her cellphone out, she made the call.

"Hello, Lauren? I wasn't expecting to ever hear back from you." Elliot's rough voice rang through the phone.

"That was the plan. I don't have time for this bullshit, someone put a hit out on Kenny and I need to know who?" She asked bluntly, as much as she hated Elliot she knew he wasn't behind this but he was closer to the other guys which meant he knew who it was.

"Yeah I figured this was why you called. Most of the team is overseas back in Afghanistan but other than us three, Smith and Harold are the only ones back in the states. It could be both or it could be either. Listen don't worry about it I just landed in Atlanta about an hour ago, Ill take care of it. " Elliot said trying to assure her.

"Right, well it's a little late for that. I'm less than 30 minutes out. Get ahold of both idiots and figure out who put the hit out. I'll be in touch." She ordered, she never thought she'd have to use that tone again either. She hung up before Elliot could answer. This was going to do wonders to her PTSD.

Once she arrived her plan was to meet up with Jamie and figure out that situation. Which is exactly what she did.

The petite and very pregnant brunette looked completely petrified.

"I don't know what's going on but Kenny said if one day he didn't come home, it's because he was in trouble and I needed to call you. That you would know what to do and that your the only one I should trust."Jamie rambled on nervously.

"Yeah we knew something like this might happen." Lauren said.

"What's going on?" She questioned.

"It's better if you don't know, but everything will be okay. I'm going to bring Kenny back." Lauren tried assuring the woman but the truth was that she had no idea if she'd be bringing him back dead or alive. " I need to know where was he the last time he called you?"

"He called late in the afternoon to say he was on his way home from work. And I didn't hear from him after that." Jamie revealed, she seemed to be calming down which was a good thing because pregnant women shouldn't be stressed out. Which is also the same reason she lied to Camila.

"I need you to give me the address. And When I leave make sure you don't answer the door to anyone." Lauren said, handing over a piece of paper.

After she got the address she took off to meet with Elliot. They met up on the last floor of a parking garage.

"Nice ride." Elliot compliment Lauren's car as he leaned up against his own.

"Cut the shit. Did you find out who did it?" She said bluntly, the less time she spent with him the better.

"Yeah. It's smith. Apparently he thinks Kenny knows why the plane went down." Elliot answered, nonchalantly because it was business as usual.

"Nobody knows why the plane went down. Why would Kenny?" She asked confused.

"Kenny was part of Smith's unit and, from what Harold told me smith was involved in some sketchy stuff. Turns out he was in with some Afghans and the deal went sour so they took out the plane. Kenny and smith are the only survivors of his unit and he's under review because he's up for a promotion. My guess is he's trying to figure out what Kenny knows and shut him up. " He explained. "So what's our plan?" He asked, standing up straight.

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