Chapter 22

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1 month later...

      It had been a a few days now since the birth of Dinah and Normani's daughter, their relationship was still a little strained but Dinah was working extra hard to make it up to her wife and since the birth of their baby girl they had put all things aside to focus on her.

She had been the biggest baby of the Hansen bunch, weighing in at a good 9 pounds and 1 ounce. Not to mention she was fairly long. Four days ago at around 5:32pm baby Penelope Jane was born also known as PJ. They did as suggested and choose a name they could both get behind which was Penelope and Jane just sort of fit in perfectly. She had a head full of dark brown hair, and dark brown chocolate eyes, she like her older sister had more of a darker skin complexion. Which only made it so much more interesting  when you looked at Stefan and his green eyes and caramel skin and light brown/ blonde hair. Maybe only the Hansen boys would inherit those genes.

 Melanie was more than excited about her baby sister, holding her when possible and covering her in kisses

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Melanie was more than excited about her baby sister, holding her when possible and covering her in kisses.  She talked aimlessly about all the things they would do together like have tea parties, princess dress up, ballet classes and even happily offered to teach her how to play baseball. Stefan was a little less responsive to PJ mostly because he was still to young to understand the situation. But if you coaxed him with cookies he would gladly plant a few kisses at the top of her head.

Lauren and Camila visited a few times once at the hospital and once when they had gone home, taking the boys and sort of talking them through how in less than a month and a half they would also get to meet their baby sister who still remained name...

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Lauren and Camila visited a few times once at the hospital and once when they had gone home, taking the boys and sort of talking them through how in less than a month and a half they would also get to meet their baby sister who still remained nameless. They both had a couple names they liked but none that gave them those feelings they had when choosing the twins names.


Today was going to be a long day for the Jauregui's because they were doing Camila's maternity photos and had other plans for later on in the afternoon. They chose a morning slot because it was the time of day the boys had the least amount of energy and it was easier to have them comply. The photographer choose to get the boys session done first so they wouldn't be impatient later. The first set was a simple black back drop, all three boys stood shirtless and barefoot with nothing but dark blue Levi's and messy hair. Most were goofy and playful basically letting the boys do as they pleased others were more staged and posed. They all came out looking great. These were just to hang up around the house since they didn't have any of the three boys together.

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