Chapter 12 (part two)

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    Since the boys were in kindergarten now Camila and Lauren enrolled them in a private school, it was expensive as hell but they wanted nothing but the best for them. The school was a distance away but Camila didn't mind making the drive. On the way to school she stopped over at Dinah and Normani's house to pick up Melanie since she attended school with them.

"What's up with the scarf Mila? Winter ended like 3 months ago." Normani said as she waited for Dinah to buckle Melanie in.

"I think I caught a cold or something." She said readjusting the scarf nervously.

"Oh Im sure you did." Dinah smirked at her.

"I don't know what your implying Dinah Jane but I have to go" she rolled her eyes at her best friend. " Otherwise they're going to be late." She pointed back at the sleepy little faces.

The drive to school was pretty silent due to the fact that the kids were all half asleep. Don't get them wrong they all loved school but they weren't big fans of early mornings. Like usual though as soon as they stepped into the colorful classroom full of kindergartners it's like they took a shot of that strong Cuban coffee because they were wide awake.

"Aunt Ally is going to be picking you guys up today okay?" She said as kneeling down in front of the three kids.

"Why are you not going to pick us up mommy?" Cameron asked.

"Mama and I are going to be busy today but hey you guys get to hang out with Faith and Noah doesn't that sound like fun?" She said trying to get them excited.

"No they're babies, I'm a big boy I only play with big kids mommy!" Caspian pouted.

"Yeah we're 5 and their babies aunt mila." Melanie added holding out her hand.

"What?!" She faked shock. "Faith just turned 3 which means she's a big girl. And Noah is 2 which means that he's a year older than Stefan. Are you telling me that you don't play with your baby brother?" She asked Melanie in a fake serious tone.

"Yes she does I see her mommy!" Cameron snitch her out.

"See. And there is nothing wrong with that, it's okay to play with the younger kids." She explained, kids nodded and took her word for it. "Okay so it's settled you'll be spending the day at aunt ally's."

"Yes mommy." The boys, " yes aunt mila." Melanie said at the same time.

She kissed them all goodbye and left the classroom. Instead of driving home she drove back to Dinah and Normani's. She needed to talk to Lauren about what happened last night, but she couldn't do it alone. Well she was scared to do it alone, she didn't want Lauren to have another episode and not have anyone around to help her out. So having her best friend around would make her feel a little better.

"Hey mila, come in." Normani answered the door. She wasn't expecting her to show up but she was always a welcomed guest.

"Hi mani, has Dinah left for work yet?" She asked as they walked into the living room.

"No, she's still upstairs getting ready." She gestured to the stairs, she also noticed how nervous Camila looked. "Is something wrong?" She asked her.

"Umm yeah. . . I need to talk to you and Dinah about something." She said nervously, she had no idea how they would react to this. Dinah would probably freak out and want to go confront Lauren, so she needed to explain everything cautiously.

Before Normani could answer the baby monitor started going off with the sound of Stefan's crying, he had woken up.

"Let me just go get him, and check on Dinah and then we can talk." Normani said getting up. "Do you want a cup of coffee or something?" She remembered her hosting manners.

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