Chapter 9

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Everyone had so many question for Lauren but she kept all her answers very simple and vague. She wanted to stop talking about it, she didn't even want to think about it anymore.

"Dinah are you sure Stefan isn't my kid?" Lauren joked. Stefan had dark blue-green eyes which was a little rare since both his parents had brown eyes. He was 7 months old now and this was the first time Lauren was meeting him, and as soon as she noticed the beautiful green eyes she saw this as a way to joke around and change the subject.

"I'm 100% sure, look at him

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"I'm 100% sure, look at him. He's practically my twin!" Dinah said gesturing to the small boys face. It was true he definitely looked like Dinah.

"I don't know," Lauren said with a fake thinking face. "Mani, when was the last time we hooked up?" She asked changing into a very serious  face.

"What?!" Dinah and Camila both yell out. Which causes Lauren and Normani to laugh.

"She's joking guys relax." Normani assures them.

"Yeah, I would never hook up with mani, she's like a sister to me. That would be so many levels of wrong." Laure admits once she's controlled  her laughter.

Ally and Will arrive shortly after that very stupid joke and catch up with Lauren. Ally brought lunch for everyone which was a great thing because they were all starving and ally can get down in a kitchen.

"So the wedding is supposed to be in a week right? Are you guys going to postpone it until your all better?" Ally asked as they all late lunch. That was a good question neither Lauren or Camila had even thought about the wedding, they were focused on more important things.

"Uhh I'm not sure, camz and I haven't really talked about it." Lauren says looking over a Camila who just shrugs not knowing either. "I wouldn't mind if we got married next Saturday, but if you want to postpone until I'm better I would be okay with that also." She said to Camila.

"Everything is already ready, it would make sense to do it now. I'm okay with it if you are." Camila said back.

"Okay then its settled, in a weeks time you will be my wife." She says holding Camila's had and bringing it up to her lips, to plant a soft kiss on it.

"Speaking of the wedding, were are the momzilla's at?" Dinah asked.

"My mom is at home taking care of some things and waiting for sofi to get out of school, before they come over. And Clara and mike went to pick up the boys from pre-school." Camila answered.

"OH SHIT!!" Dinah yelled out. Everyone looked at her with confused faces. "We need to go pick up Melanie!" She said facing Normani and freaking out.

"Baby, relax mike and Clara offered to pick her up." Normani put her hands on Dinah's shoulders to keep her from bolting out the door.

Lauren couldn't stop laughing, because of course Dinah would forget about her kid. She had to abruptly stop because her abdomen began to ache. The pain was doubled because not only did she have a few broken ribs on her left side of her body but also the pain from the where they cut her open to repair her spleen was on her upper left side.

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