Chapter 35

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"Lauren Jauregui, probably the last person I expected to see at my door step. What brings you to Miami?" She asked, with a giant smirk on her face.

"I want to see her."

"You haven't made any effort to be in her life for a little under 10 years now. Why should I let you see her?" She said, stepping out of the house making sure to shut the door behind her. She defensively crossed her arms and stared Lauren down.

"I know I haven't but I want to change that." Lauren said sincerely." Vero I just want the opportunity to talk to her and apologize for how things went down and for how shitty of a friend I was."

"She's not home right now." Vero said keeping her guard up still. "How did you find out where we live?" She asked.

"Shawn. He roped me into helping him with the wedding invitations and I saw your information. I had an already planned trip to Florida so I figured it was fate. I thought it was about time." Lauren explained, after high school their groups of friends either got stuck in North Carolina or they had the opportunity to move away. Some didn't have the option of leaving, like Shawn. After his father passed away being the only child he was forced to take over the family jewelry shop. It wasn't so much that he stayed it was more so that he got stuck doing something he didn't want. Dinah, normani and Camila all had the opportunity to leave, not only town but the state as well. But They chose to come back and raise their own families in the environment they were raised in. The rest of their group of friends moved away and never came back, they didn't keep in touch.

"What are you doing in Florida? If you don't mind me asking." Vero eyed her suspiciously, after everything that went down with them. She didn't trust Lauren, well she didn't trust her intentions.

"It's my kid's birthday's and they wanted to go to a concert and spend a week at Disney world." She explained nonchalantly while running a hand through her hair, she had no reason to lie. She didn't plan this at all, the opportunity just felt into her lap. After everything that happened, she felt like it was time to let the past go and make amends.

Veronica seemed shocked, not only did she just hear Lauren Jauregui say she had kid's she also noticed the shinny wedding band on her finger. It's like she was a different person. "I'm a little speechless. Wow. Married and with kids?" She asked still in disbelief. The old Lauren she knew hate the idea of marriage. The old Lauren was afraid to commitment.

"Umm yeah Camila and I just had our one year anniversary back in December. We have twin 6 year old boys and a 5 month old baby girl." She said with a smile on her face, there was nothing she was proudest of other than her family. Which also reminded her that if she didn't get going soon she was going to be late. "I actually have to get back to them soon. Like I said vero I just want to talk to her and apologize. Maybe we can meet up  before I leave?" She suggested, hopeful that she'd won the girl over.

"Give me your number, and I'll talk to her when she gets home and if she's okay with seeing you, then I'll call you and you can come over okay?" She comprised.

They exchanged numbers and Lauren made the trip back to the hotel. She was running a late, giving Camila more reasons to be upset.

When she got back to their hotel suite the boys were both dressed and ready to go. 

"Not that you boys don't look incredibly badass but you do realize we are going to see Coldplay right? Were are your colorful shirts?" She said as she inspected their outfits. The last time she was at a Coldplay concert, she was high as a kite and covered in bright colorful clothes. It was a good day. The boys both had on very distressed clothing on. When she was younger it was embarrassing to wear a shirt that was torn up even if it was just a little. Now a days you are an embarrassment if it isn't torn up enough.

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