Chapter 24

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      One of the hardest things do to is say goodbye, weather it's forever or maybe just for the night it's still hard. Maybe it has to do with our subconscious letting us know that nothing is certain in life and an easy goodbye could be the last. Two weeks ago when Spencer finally moved in with his dad they all found it incredibly hard to say a simple goodbye knowing they would still get to see him as much as they liked. Tonight they watched their sons wave goodbye as they jumped into the back of Lauren's parents car. They couldn't resist the cute little puppy dog pouts and finally caved. Knowing they were safe with family didn't make having them leave any easier.

   "Hey camz?" Lauren called out to her wife, sticking her head into their bedroom. Her wife was cuddled up in their bed reading yet another baby book. "Have you seen my Nintendo?" She asked, very seriously getting an annoyed glare from her wife. "What? I'm bored. Tell me again why we let boys sleep over at my mom and dads."

"Because they know they can talk us into anything. And to answer your question yes I have, it's in the twins bedroom under Caspian's pillow." She answers her wife.

"What?! Why does he have it? Does he not know it's mine." Lauren said, appalled, Rushing off to the twins bedroom to retrieve her toy. Once she had it she happily jumped into bed with her wife, starting it up and working on leveling up in some stupid game.

"I'm so glad I married an adult." Camila said sarcastically, but Lauren was too into her game to pay attention.

About 3 hours later, Lauren was deep into her sleep and Camila had been too less than a minute ago. The whole day she had been having these light stomach pains but she didn't think much of it, passing it off as Braxton hicks. But the terrible pain she was in now was definitely not it. Her due date was not for at least a few more days but baby's don't always come on the actual date, sometimes they arrive early other times they take their sweet time.

"Laur."she shook her wife. "Lauren wake up!" She said a little louder this time, shaking her a little rougher too.

"Mmm...what is it?" Lauren answered with a rough groggy voice, rubbing eyes.

"We have to go to the hospital." Camila answered casually, that definitely woke Lauren up, she sat up so fast.

"The baby is coming?!" She asked excitedly, wearing a giant grin.

"I think so." Camila said more calmly, but still incredibly excited.

"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" She said, jumping out of bed. Camila wanted to laugh but it would just hurt.

It's a good thing they had prepared because it was fast and easy to just get dressed, grab their hospital bags and the baby bag and throw it in the back of the car. Lauren had the baby's car seat installed about two weeks earlier, if you didn't know by now she was super excited.  They got to the hospital in record time, all thanks to Lauren. During the drive there Camila explained to Lauren that It would probably take a while before the baby was actually here, she gave her a brief description of the processes because by the expression on Lauren face, she was expecting to go in and just have the baby.

They checked in and pretty soon were taken to a small room, to get Camila examined and see how far along she was. She undressed and put on her custom made gown, they strapped a heart monitor around her belly to listen to the baby's heartbeat. After 15 or so minutes of waiting their doctor came in and checked Camila's cervix and then gave them an ultrasound. He informed them that they in fact were going to have their baby but that it was way to early to be in the hospital And asked them to go back home and wait a few more hours but Lauren put her foot down saying she wasn't going to risk going home and then demanded they give Camila a room.

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