Chapter 23

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Who decided that pumpkins were going to be associated with Halloween and fall? When you think of October you see a big as orange pumpkin. Sucked for Lauren then because she hated the color orange. And right now she was surrounded by so much hay and piles of pumpkins and annoying little kids. It was sort of tradition to head over to the pumpkins patch and pick out pumpkins to carve later that night. Oh right Halloween was just around the corner. The only good thing about this month ending was that it would decrease the wait for the arrival of her daughter.

"Mama can you help me up?!" Caspian pleaded, already trying to climb up the giant wooden chair on his own. Without a word Lauren gave him and Cameron as boost up on the chair.

All they did was sit there and Lauren did not understand the fascination when they literally had about 5 moon bounces to choose from.

What was keeping Lauren entertained was watching Dinah struggle with a crying PJ and a wandering Stefan as Normani took Melanie to stick her head into a scarecrow cardboard cut out

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What was keeping Lauren entertained was watching Dinah struggle with a crying PJ and a wandering Stefan as Normani took Melanie to stick her head into a scarecrow cardboard cut out.

She almost helped her out but Camila sort of beat her to the punch

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She almost helped her out but Camila sort of beat her to the punch. Taking crying baby PJ of her hands, it was like she could finally breath.

"Dinah, I'm not sure how I feel about you eventually having to care for our grandchildren." Lauren said jokingly, referring to finding out a while back that Cameron had a crush on Melanie.

"What? Our grandchildren?" She asked confused. "I don't understand." She admitted.

"Well when my kid marries yours they'll eventually have kids. And I'm not sure I'll be able to trust you with them." She explains with a chuckle, getting a death glare from Camila and a causing a permanent frown on Dinah's face.

"Ha! You wish. No way am I letting my little girl marry your kid." Dinah said, dead serious, which made Lauren laugh.

"What? Why not? My kid is a great kid. Any girl would be lucky to marry him." Camila defended them, she wasn't all for them growing up but she would never let someone offend her kids.

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