Chapter 8

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It had been 3 days since the marines showed up at her apartment. They have been the longest 3 days of her life. She's been constantly surrounded by friends and family but she's never felt so alone. She was a mess, but so was everyone else. Clara couldn't stop crying, Michael tried his best to keep some sort of composure but was failing miserably. And for Lauren's siblings well, they weren't handling things at all, they were deep in denial. Everyone else cried the first day and eventually got themselves together enough to take care of Camila and the Jauregui's. The boys had no idea what was going on, but seeing everyone crying and being sad they fell into the sadness as well.

Nobody was talking to them or giving them information. They were just told to start making funeral arrangements. They didn't expect to find any survivors. Camila had no idea how this had happened, everything was fine one minute and the next it was this.

"Camila?" Sinu, called out to her as she sat on the living room couch, staring at a blank tv screen. "Camila. mija, you have to eat something." She encouraged the brown eyed girl. She hadn't been eating or sleeping for that matter. "Camila. Por favor, no puedes seguir asi." (Please, you can't keep going on like this.)

"What do you want me to do mom?!" Camila spat out. "Lauren is dead! What the fuck am I supposed to do?!" She shouted at her mother. She wasn't really angry with her but she needed to let out all her feelings and frustrations because holding them in wasn't going to help. Unfortunately sinu was the first victim of her outbursts. "I just got her, and now she's fucking dead!" She shouted again but tears began seeping out of her eyes. "She's. Gone. Mom. Lauren. Is. Gone." She broke down crying and spoke in between sobs. Instantly sinu wrapped her up in a hug.

"It's okay baby, it's going to be okay." Sinu whispered into Camila's head. "It's going to be okay Camila." Now she was crying. Sinu had no idea if things would be okay. She hoped they would be, she prayed they would be, but as of this moment nothing was for certain. After letting Camila cry herself to sleep on her shoulder she laid her down on the couch and went to clean up the kitchen.

Not long after Dinah showed up with the boys, her friends didn't think it would be a good idea to let them see Camila so broken, so they took turns either watching the boys or Camila. Today Dinah had taken the boys for the day. They knew Camila wasn't comfortable with the boys not sleeping in the same place as her so they brought them home each night and got them and Camila to bed.

"Hey buddies, why don't you guys go play in your room, while I talk to your grandma sinu." Dinah demanded more than asked but the boys just raced into their room. You didn't need to tell them twice. Looking over she noticed Camila sleeping. She sighed and walked into the kitchen.

"How was she today?" Dinah asked sinu.

"Not any better than yesterday." Sinu said with so much sadness and worry in her tone. "I don't know if she'll ever be okay Dinah." She sadly admitted, and couldn't hold back her tears. Every mothers worst nightmare, is to watch your children be in pain and not being able to do anything about it.

"Hey, no don't lose hope." Dinah tried comforting her. Walking up to her and pulling her into a hug. "They are going to find her and she'll be okay. They'll both be okay. We just have to have faith." Dinah reassured her, she wasn't sure what exactly would happen but she had faith. She believed  her own words. Lauren would be fine, she just had to be.

"Dinah, it's been almost 6 days since the plane went down. If they haven't found her yet, chances are she didn't make it." Sinu said, she didn't want to crush the girl's hopes but realistically speaking it was possible that Lauren was dead. Even if she was alive after the crash, something else would of killed her. After all she's been in a scorching hot desert, freezing cold nights, no food or water, and wild animals for 6 days now her survival chances were very slim.

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