Chapter 17

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    Lauren very carefully and slowly walked through the front door of her house, holding her throbbing crotch. That kid had some strength.

"Laur? What's wrong?" Camila asked, once she noticed her wife's pain ridden face.

"Some punk as kid, kneed me!" She answered angrily.

Camila wanted to laugh but she also knew Lauren was in real pain and she'd rather help her wife feel better, rather than add to her misery. "Sit down, I'll go get you some ice for that." She ordered her.

Lauren slowly lowered herself on the couch, grunting in pain. Not even a minute later Camila was back with an ice pack. She handed it to Lauren, who gently placed it on her genitals. 

"Okay, so why did a kid knee you?" Camila asked curiously, Lauren said she was going to the bar so it was weird to her that a kid did this to her wife.

"Ariana told me somebody was stealing food from the bar, so I looked into it. It was some kid. Maybe 10 he was eating when I caught him. He tried taking off but I grabbed him and that's when he hit me and took off." Lauren explained in shame, she's a trained ex marine yet she couldn't contain a scrawny 10 year old kid.

"Omg Lauren! You must have scared him!" Camila said, smacking Lauren on the shoulder.

"What? Are you seriously blaming me for this?" Lauren asked shocked.

"Laur why do you think he was stealing from the bar?" Camila countered, ignoring Lauren's words.

"I don't know, He's a troublemaker probably acting out on his parents?" Lauren suggested, not really interested in finding out his reasons anymore.

"If that was the case he wouldn't be stealing food he would be stealing alcohol after all it's just sitting right there in the open." Camila pointed out, deep in thought. "How was he dressed?" She asked.

"What? I don't know...dirty ripped jeans and hoodie, sloppy long dirty blonde hair." Lauren answered, she couldn't remember exactly what he was in. "Oh and he smelled pretty bad." She added.

"Could he be homeless?" Camila asked concerned. "We need to go look for him." Camila demanded.

"And what are we going to do after we find him?" Lauren asked, confused.

"I don't know laur but we can't just leave him out there on his own." She admitted, maybe it was her hormones but she was really concerned for this boy. Or Maybe it had to do with the fact that she had two boys of her own and if they ever found themselves in a situation like this, she would hope someone cared enough to help them.

"Fine, we'll drop off the boys at your mom's and go look for him." Lauren relented, there wasn't much she wouldn't do for her wife.


They had been driving around the area near the bar looking for the small boy. So far they've had no such luck in finding him.

"Maybe were wrong and he's not homeless." Lauren suggested, tired of aimlessly driving around.

"Why was he dirty and smelly then?" Camila asked, rolling her eyes at her wife.

"I don't know camz, maybe he rolled around in dirt, or doesn't like taking baths he is a boy after all." She answered.

"Just because he's a boy doesn't mean any–STOP!" She yelled out, causing Lauren to push on the breaks and bring the car to the harsh stop.

"Geez camz! You could of gotten hurt!" Lauren scolded her wife.

"Sorry." She apologized. " I found him." She said flashing Lauren a shy smile. Lauren shook her head and pulled the car over to the curb.

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