Chapter 37

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"I can't believe we're actually here." Camila sighed as she stood at the center of the balcony, watching the sun set behind the old brick buildings.

"Camz, you have been saying that for the past 6 days." Lauren chucked, behind Camila with her arms wrapped around her.

"It still feels doesn't feel real." She turned to face her wife and smiled at her. "We're in Spain."

"Yes we are." She leaned in and kissed Camila.

They had been in Madrid, Spain for almost a week now, and had done a few of the touristy thing but for the most part Lauren had found some of the less touristic but beautiful sights to see.

Lauren was over the moon to finally have the alone time she desperately needed with Camila. And she was glad Camila was finally enjoying herself. This was the longest they'd be away from the kids and Camila was having a hard time with it. She was a mess during the goodbye and as they boarded the plane she almost ran out changing her mind on leaving. But once they landed in Madrid, took a much needed nap and explored the area in which they're rental apartment was located she was in a much better mood. She's been dealing with the distance fairly well, aside from the 3 FaceTime calls a day.

"Mmm," Camila hummed into her lips. "are you ready to explore Barcelona?" She asked, pulling away from her lips.

"Of course." Lauren smiled down at her. "But right now I'm ready to explore you." She leaned down to kiss her wife again. Walking them back into the bedroom, and onto the bed.


Day 2 in Barcelona

Lauren's favorite pastime was laying in bed with Camila and watching her sleep which is what she was doing right now. While Camila was pregnant with Kelsea she became a grumpy morning person so Lauren learned early on not to disrupt the sleeping woman, she figured after Kelsea was born she'd go back to being an early bird, morning person but she was wrong. Camila still enjoyed sleeping in but let's be real who doesn't?

She loved how crazy her sex hair was and how tangled up in the sheets she was. She loved that every time her chest rose the thin sheet covering her chest slipped lower and lower each time. She especially loved the peaceful and relaxed look on her face.

"Your such a perv." Lauren got spooked and jolted meanwhile Camila opened her eyes slowly.

Hand on her chest Lauren tried and get a grip on her self . "You almost gave me a fucken heart attack camz." While Camila laughed, she got to focus on what Camila said. "How am I a perv?"

"You were just laying there waiting for the sheet to slip off my chest, All perv like." She raised a daring eyebrow at Lauren.

"I was not! I was watching your cute face. It's not my fault the sheet was slipping at the same time." Lauren got defensive, knowing very well her wife was just messing with her. "Besides it doesn't make me a perv because your my wife. I'm allowed to look."

"Okay, whatever you say babe." She pecked her wife's lips, then sat up. "I would invite you to shower with me but it's almost 7 and my moms going to call soon." Lauren wants to argue but there's no point. Camila has a strong case, if they both got in that shower they'd be in there for a while. The first of the three FaceTime calls usually happened in the morning for them but back home it was almost 1 in the afternoon. It's a good thing they were also out of school for summer break otherwise Camila would lose her mind not being able to see them until later in the afternoon. It wasn't that Lauren didn't miss the kids as much as Camila, it was just that she knew how to deal with it better. Hell she spent 3 years of her life being away from them, whereas Camila never left them with someone else for longer than 8 hours when they were little and just now at the age of six was letting them have sleep overs at there grandparents, so 2 weeks for her was the equivalent of a month or two. We should be proud.

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