Chapter 29

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New Year's Eve

This year Normani decided to host the New Year's Eve party, unfortunately with three kids and a Dinah she couldn't get much done so she somehow talked Lauren and Camila into helping her set up. Well technically only Camila was helping her set up since Lauren had left to go play in the snow with Dinah, Caspian and Melanie. Not even a broken hand could stop him from sledding down small pile of snow Dinah had built from shoveling out her driveway.

"Can I ask you something?" Lauren asked turning to face Dinah, who gave her a confused nod. "How long after PJ was born did you and Normani start you know..." she asked, trailing off. She had no intention of getting an inside scoop of her friends sex life but things with Camila had not progressed and she was trying to figure out if this was just a common thing that happened when women gave birth or if Camila just didn't want to have sex with her anymore.

"Once it was okay for her? I think doctors say to wait like four to six weeks before you start again." Dinah answered not sure if that's what Lauren wanted to hear. "Why?" She wondered why her friend was interested in her and her wife's sex life.

"So like as soon as it was okay you guys just started up again?" She reworded, to make sure she understood her. Getting yet another confused nod from the blonde woman. "It's just we got the okay a while ago but Camila hasn't been up for it. The last time I brought it up was during the day of our anniversary but she was on her period so nothing happened and I've been trying ever since but she always turns me down." She explained, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Has that ever happened with mani?" She found herself asking.

Dinah seemed to think it over but as far as she remembered they got back into not even four weeks after PJ was born and the same happened when Stefan was born. Then it hit her. "Yeah, it did. After Melanie was born mani didn't want to do it, she didn't even want me to see her naked. She was really insecure with her body for a good while but eventually she started working out and stuff and she started feeling better about her body and that was that. After Stefan and PJ were born she got right back into shape and then holding off on sex wasn't a problem." Dinah told her friend.

"You think Camila is feeling insecure?" Lauren asked, now she was the confused one. Why would Camila be insecure? Her body looked good for someone who had given birth.

"Maybe, I mean when she had the boys you weren't around so she didn't have the pressure to get back to her old body shape because it wasn't like anybody was going to see her naked. But now with Kelsea it's different circumstances so she might feel insecure to show you her body." She said coming to this conclusion.

It made sense now that Lauren thought about it. The no sex, and Camila not changing in front of her anymore. Hell there was a point were Camila would sleep stark naked. She missed that. It wasn't even about the sex anymore Lauren just didn't want her beautiful wife to ever feel insecure. She didn't want her to feel the need to get back 'in shape' because she was perfect as she was. She needed to show to her that she was beautiful just as she was, that she had nothing to feel insecure about.

"Don't worry too much about it, these things tend to work themselves out." Dinah said, once she noticed the giant frown on the girls pale face.

"Your probably right but I don't want Camila to feel that way for a second longer." Lauren said, not really to focused on Dinah. She was thinking up a storm on how to make her wife feel better.

"Don't say any off this shit in front of mani because it makes me look bad." She joked, shoving Lauren by the shoulder while Lauren chuckled.

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