Chapter 6

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Today was Lauren's deployment day, she wasn't ready to leave but she couldn't do anything about it. On the upside of things these would be her last 8 months of service, then she wouldn't have to leave again. She had gotten engaged just a few days ago, she had just rebuilt her bond with her sons, she was just now getting back to civilian life and was already being taken out of it.

She and Camila were doing great, they were enjoying the perks of getting engaged. They had set a date for after Lauren got back. They're families took the news more than well, as soon as both girl's mothers herd "engaged", they got to planning the wedding. They were going for a huge wedding but Camila said she wanted something small and simple and Lauren wanted whatever made Camila happy. See she's got this whole wife things down.

She had begun the remodeling for the bar, and as of yesterday the contractor had begun with the foundation of the house. The day she proposed she informed Camila of her plans of building a huge house for them and the boys, and filling the land with farm animals and a baseball diamond with a race track for dirt bikes, and anything the boys wanted to add. Camila promised to keep an eye out on both projects while she was away. Hopefully by the time she got back, the bar would be up and running and the house would be built, she wasn't expecting for everything to be ready to go in reference to the land but she made it a priority for the house to be finished and move in ready by the time she got back everything else could be made a priority later.

The boys didn't want to see Lauren leave and they cried for a while so much that they couldn't get them to calm down. When she would leave before they were younger so they didn't really understand and so it never got this hectic but now that they understood better, they didn't take it well. She promised them that when she came back she wouldn't leave again and that's a promise she wasn't going to break. They weren't the only ones crying, Camila tried to keep her tears from spilling over but she failed. All her friends cried and wished her well, her family and soon to be in laws as well. This time around everyone was a little more emotional maybe it had to do with the fact that this would be the last time they would have to send her off to danger.

She was in the huge cargo plane headed straight to Afghanistan full of sad, tired, excited, focused soldiers. They all knew once their boots hit the hot desert sand nothing back home mattered, at least not for the next 8 months. Keeping themselves and their squad members alive was all that mattered now.

Meanwhile Camila and the boys were back home due to the time difference they were already late into the night. It was strange for Camila, she was so used to sleeping alone. I mean she had done it plenty of times before but this time the bed felt so empty without Lauren. The first couple of days after Lauren's deployment they had a hard time adjusting to her being gone but they eventually got back into their old routine. Lauren had called maybe two or three times since she left which was more than she would call before but they were very short phone calls, mostly saying hello, and reassuring Camila she was doing just fine.


It was month six since Lauren had been deployed, they had herd from her only a handful of times. Things got pretty busy for her and she spent months traveling to a different town to help the townspeople from the taliban/taleban who were bombing them. Not that she gave Camila that information, she kept it simple and said "I won't be able to call for a while because we're relocating." Camila seemed to buy it.

Back in home they were gearing up for Halloween. The girls decided to all meet up at Dinah and Normani's house and go trick or treating in their neighborhood and afterwards have a sleep over like they used to do when they were younger. Except when they were younger they only slept over at someone's house because they were all too drunk to go home and have their parents see them like that.

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