Chapter 21

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Summer was ending faster than they would like and soon life would go back into a routine. The twins were starting first grade in less than a week, and Spencer fourth. Since the twins were still only 5 they had the option of repeating Kindergarten, but seeing as they were both at the top of their class holding them back would only do more bad than good. Once the boys start school Lauren decided she would get more involved with the bar again and work with Philip on starting an apple orchard, she had the space so why not? She wasn't stupid and new it would take years before she could actually enjoy the fruits her trees would bear but she loved how the trees blossomed during the spring time and being able to go apple picking with her wife and kids in the fall in her own backyard wasn't such a bad thing either. She would grow a banana plantation for her wife because Camila was basically a monkey but it was much more difficult since they needed to be in a certain climate. So apples it was. Camila planned on avoiding writing and instead focus on planning for the baby, now that they knew what they were having she could start shopping and planning the nursery theme, and baby proofing their home, procrastination at its finest.

Not only would they be getting back into a boring domestic routine but it sucked that their best friend was moving away in less than a day and everyone else went back into their own routine like Taylor going back to California, Chris heading back to Florida to finish his last year of grad school and hopefully starting his internship at the architecture firm of his dreams, some people going back to their old routine wasn't such a bad thing for example Gina, she would be going back to wherever the hell she came from and Camila couldn't be more excited, after that kissing incident Camila and Taylor were more hostile to her than ever. Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Dinah was under serious pressure from Normani as of lately, seeing as she was due in about 3 weeks and planning for an at home water birth wasn't easy. Not to mention the fact that since her wife was almost due she was doing all the chores around the house and watching the kids, which is when she realized that getting Normani pregnant while still having another kid in diapers wasn't a great idea. Stefan alone was a handful, and Melanie as well behaved as she was definitely had her bad days I mean after all she was Norminah's child, and NFL drafting season was starting soon which meant she'd be getting back to work, not to mention coaching the little league team in the late afternoons and games every weekend so adding a newborn to the mix would only stress her out which was strange for her since Dinah never stressed. The good thing was that all the pregnancy nonsense was over so that took some pressure off, like the nursery theme which was all white, with gold sparkles because using characters or bright colors was apparently forcing things upon the baby and Normani wanted the child to be able to eventually make up their own mind and since their home was already baby proofed they didn't have to worry about that, agreeing on a name however was difficult, seeing as Dinah wanted to name her Scarlett and Normani wanted to name her Lennox. Neither wanted to give in so it was an ongoing battle.


Today was a gloomy day for everyone, because they had just said goodbye to ally and her family at the airport. Needing a drink, they headed over to Dinah and Normani's.

Lauren and Normani were sitting in the backyard watching the kids play while Dinah was inside feeding Stefan and Camila was snacking on all their food.

"So how are things at home with Spencer?" Normani asked her best friend, growing up Normani and Lauren were inseparable but when Normani started popping out kids they sort of drifted apart mostly because Lauren felt like they had nothing in common anymore which is obviously wrong seeing as they have lots in common but that's how it felt to her.

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