Chapter 32

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Today was Camila's birthday and Lauren and the boys were going all out for her. Camila made them promise to only give her homemade gifts because she already had everything she wanted and they decided to go along with it. So early morning all three woke up super early to make Camila breakfast in bed. They had Stacy drop off their personalized bouquet of Flowers's along with giant gold balloons that spelled out "mommy".

Both boys were Covered in flour and sprinkles by the end of it, because of the sprinkle incident that happened earlier between them. Lauren carried the tray and her bouquet of flowers, while the Twins carried their bouquets and the balloons. The quietly snuck into their bedroom and made sure the balloons were in order. Once they were all set up and ready to go both boys climbed into bed with Camila and covered her face in kisses until she stirred awake.

"'s early let me sleep." Camila grumbled as she tried to pull the covers over her head.

"But we made you birthday breakfast ." Lauren added in a sing song way.

"You did?" Camila said getting up faster than usual with a giant grin on her face.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!!" They all yelled out, the boys tackled Camila into a hug.

Once they let go Lauren was able to set the tray down and pick up a crying Kelsea. The loud nice spooked her awake. They all sat in bed together enjoying Camila's breakfast. Although Lauren had made enough breakfast for everyone somehow it tasted better in bed and knowing it was Camila's. After breakfast the boys ran off to bring Camila their gifts which were paintings and homemade cards telling Camila how much they loved her and how happy she made them and of course mentioning how great of a mommy she was.

"Thank you boys. I love my gifts these really sweet cards so much!" She said pulling them into a group hug, as she tried her hardest not to tear up.

"This is Kelsea's gift to you mommy." Cameron said handing Camila a painting with two tiny pink handprints and a really sloppy "I love my mommy." . "Mama and us helped her make it since she's just a baby." He explained to her.

"Did you make this? Yeah? I love it so much princess." Camila said in a baby voice to Kelsea who was laying flat on her tummy holding her head up facing her crazy family. She was staring to sit up but was having a hard time staying up for long but she really loved tummy time and would often roll around a bit.

"Okay so I can't give you my gift until later but the boys taught me how to make a card." Lauren said, handing over the bright yellow card with a giant bee and a "happy bee-day" written in black letters. On the inside it had a white paper which was a well handwritten letter, telling her how much she meant to her, how much she loved her, how incredible she was etc. Camila is an awesome person so she had a lot to write about.

"Thank you, I love it." Camila said, leaning across the boys giving her wife a kiss while the boys yelled "eww". Camila and Lauren both pushed the boys heads back into the pillows.

They spent the afternoon at Camila's parents house, celebrating her birthday. They ate, watched old homemade movies, and opened presents. At around 6 Lauren and Camila went back home to get ready because Lauren was taking her out but she wasn't going to tell her where they were going because it was a surprise. Camila's parents were going to watch the kids for the night, well as long as Kelsea would last.

After getting all dressed up and getting in their car Lauren blindfolded Camila and drove her to her destination. She helped her out of the car and led her to the main entrance. Once in she took the blind fold off.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone in the bar yelled. The bar was decorated for Camila's birthday. Lauren had thrown her a surprise party.

"Oh my god!" Camila said shocked with her hand on her chest. She looked back at her wife who had a sly smirk on her face. "You did this for me?" She asked her.

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