Chapter 30

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Today was Sunday and it was also their last afternoon with Spencer, so they packed up the Range Rover full of kids and headed into town. They were taking them ice skating for the first time ever.

Once there, they got situated and hit the rink only falling on their asses a few times. After an hour or so most of them got the hang of it and were slowly moving around. Meanwhile a little girl did twirls and jumps all around them. Lauren had no intentions of getting on the ice so she stayed back with Kelsea who was sleeping through all this in her comfy stroller. That girl slept a lot which should be considered a good thing. After the cold became too much for them they went to a nearby cafe and got hot chocolate, while they decided on what to do next. Nothing really happens during winter so they didn't have many options. Stuck with walking around the downtown area, and watched as they took down all the Christmas decorations. By Monday morning the town would be covered in pink and red, with hearts everywhere. After visiting a few toy stores and walking out anything it empty handed they headed over to their old apartment, which is were Spencer was living at now. After saying goodbye to him and promising to see him soon, they took off and headed home.


The week had gone by exceptionally fast, and after much convincing Camila agreed to go on a full on girls day, with her mom and and her sister. She was hesitant at first because she wasn't sure Lauren could handle the kids on her own. Lauren spent maybe a few hours alone with them but never a full day and this was going to be the first time she was going to be alone with the baby. She knew she could entrust her kids to her wife she just knew Lauren and she knew she'd get overwhelmed fairly quickly. But Lauren assured her nothing would happen and that she was more than capable of doing it. So she took her by her word.

Camila started off her day by getting a pedicure and a manicure. Followed by a mud bath, and a cucumber mask. After getting washed off, they whisked them away to get their full body massages. It was pure bliss. Once she had relived herself off all the stress on her body, they went and got their hair done. Sofi ended up dying her hair a pastel pink color. Camila just had her hair trimmed a bit and washes, having it styled into big loose curls. Her mother kept it simple as well. Since they all missed breakfast and it was almost noon, they headed off to brunch. 3 or so mimosas in she was very much so relaxed. After lunch they drove down to a larger city with a better mall than the non existent one in their town. They went from store to store, never leaving empty handed. The store she found the most awkward to shop in was at Victoria secret, mostly because if her mother brought lingerie it was most likely for her dad...which was gross to think about. But she also found it awkward because her mother kept making suggestions to her on what to buy and what she thought Lauren might like. They weren't having sex so that wasn't really necessary but her mother didn't need to know that. After rejecting all of her mothers suggestions she got suspicious.

"What's going on with you mija?" Sinu asked her oldest daughter.

"N-nothing. Why would you ask that?" Camila answered, trying not to give herself away.

"I don't know, your not interested in any of this stuff...Is sex with Lauren not satisfying you?" She asked, not sure why Camila was so adamant on avoid this store and the topic of sex.

"What? Oh god mom. Please stop." Camila said, face palming herself. This was probably the most embarrassing thing that could happen to her. At 24 years old her mother was trying to talk about her sex life with her in the middle of a Victoria secret store.

"What Karla? This is perfectly normal. It's okay to admit that your not being pleased right by your spouse. At one point in your father and I's relationship, our sex life wasn't it's best but we talked about it and fixed things. If your not enjoying sex with Lauren you need to talk to her about this." Sinu shared way too much information than was necessary.

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