Chapter 7

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A/N: I am sorry in advance. 😅

"Wow, you guys look so big now!" Lauren said a little shocked at how older the boys looked from her computer screen.

"It's because we are 4 now mama!" Caspian shouted into Camila's iPhone while holding up four fingers.

"I know, in a couple months you guys will be five." Lauren acknowledged with sadness laced in her voice. How much did it suck that, her sons' 5th birthday party would be the first she would be able to attend?

"Are you finally going to come home? I miss you so much mama!" Cameron pouted.

"Yeah! You should be here mama!" Caspian added.

"Yeah of course I'm coming home chickens, I miss all you so much but guess what?" She said with a grin on her face.

"What?" They both answered.

"By next Sunday, I'll be home for good. I won't ever have to leave again okay?" She said not being able control her laugh from watching the boys go crazy over the news.

"They finally confirmed a date?" Camila asked with just a big of a grin.

"Yeah, I got the general's letter last night, by next week I'll be home baby." She knew she would be leaving anytime this month but there was no set date until now.

"I can't wait. You have no idea how much I've missed you laur." Camila said with a sigh.

"Hey what's wrong?" Lauren asked, now that she thought about it Camila looked a little stressed.

"I'm just a little overwhelmed." She admitted. But a little was an understatement.

"Why what's going on?" Lauren pressed, she couldn't do anything to physically help Camila out but talking about things could help right?

"It's just everything going on with the house. The bar is doing really well which is a great thing but it also means it needs more attention. And the boys have been acting up so much. Our moms have been constantly in my face about the wedding, I'm tired of looking at flowers, napkin patters, and as much as I love food I am sick of tasting wedding cakes. I'm so traumatized I probably won't be able to eat any at our actual wedding. And to top it all off I have writers block, I'm starting to think it wasn't such a good idea to quit my job." She said and finally took a breath, man was Camila long winded.

"Okay cams, just relax let's figure this out okay?" She said and waited for Camila to nod so she could continue. "Alright, what's going on with the house?" She asked first. One problem at a time.

"We had to get a city inspector out there to check the well water and see if it was usable. Everything checked out fine but he was a total ass and won't give us our paper work because with 42 acres your considered a ranch and I guess you have to go get registered as one. So we have to name the property. This delays us because we can't bring any animals to the property without city approved drinking water. So the farmer you planned on buying the cows from is getting impatient and is threatening to sell to someone else. Me and Dinah are meeting with the horse breeder today to pick out the horses. But I'll have to explain to her to hold the horses for us until we get the whole water thing settled and hopefully she understands." She said rubbing her temples.

"Okay, forget the cow farmer. If he wants to sell to someone else then let him. Let's just hold off on buying cows. Get the property paperwork sorted out first, I would say call our real estate agent because he can fix this but I doubt ours will be of any help. Hire someone to take care of it. As for the horses, tell Phillip to buy a water tank and fill it up with 'city approved' water and give that to the horses for now. The breeder is a total bitch, she won't be any help so don't mention any of this to her." Lauren said solving the problem.

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