Chapter 26

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         Camila was more than a little shocked to be staring down at Lauren's potential daughter. She looked a lot like her mother but there was no denying she had the Jauregui's infamous killer eyebrows, and facial bone structure.

"I'm sorry I'm being rude, please come in." Camila said, once she realized she had yet to respond and had them waiting around on her front door. She led them into the main living room, once they were both seated she offered them something to drink or eat, Because as confusing and complicated as this situation seemed, she still had be polite and a good host.

"Lauren isn't actually home at the moment but she should be here any–" she begins to explain but the sound of her daughter crying through the baby monitor halts her. "–Minute now. I'll be right back." She excused herself, grabbing her phone on the way out. Immediately calling her wife once she was out of ear shot.

"Hey camz, is everything okay?" Lauren asked right away, she knew Camila wouldn't call unless it was something important.

"No...I don't know...some woman is here with her daughter...looking for you." She said, sounding more than a little bothered. "Look, can you just come home?"

"Uhh, yeah, okay."Lauren answers, she has no idea what the fuck is going on. But she knows what Camila is implying and by her tone she knows it's bad."Camila, I love you." She breathes out, no matter what the outcome is she's in deep shit no matter what.

"I know," she said, then the line goes silent for a moment. Then She herd Lauren call out for her. "Kelsea is crying I gotta go." Camila said before she hung up.

Before heading back out she changed her stained dirty onesie, to a fresh clean white one and a pale green bow.

 She almost didn't want to go back out there but she couldn't exactly hide out in her daughters nursery mainly because there were complete strangers in her house

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She almost didn't want to go back out there but she couldn't exactly hide out in her daughters nursery mainly because there were complete strangers in her house. It's usually best not to leave them alone. So she grudgingly, with baby in hand walked back out to the main living room,  finding the woman and her daughter in the same place she left them.

"Aww, she's so cute." Camila herd the younger girl whisper to her mother.

It used to be Dinah's on going joke, that one day all of Lauren's old hook ups would show up with a kid in hand but now that it was actually a possibility it wasn't so funny anymore. She also didn't know what to ask first or what to say, this whole thing was just awkward. Let's face it the only real question she had was if she was Lauren's but that would be the rude and impolite question.

"She's precious." This Carrie woman complimented her daughter. "How old is she?" She asked.

"Thank you, she's a week old." She responded politely. They couldn't exactly get into the main reason why she was here so...small talk it is.

"Oh god, I'm sorry, now I really feel bad we showed up unannounced." Carrie sincerely apologized.

"What's her name?" Her daughter asked Camila.

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