Chapter 2

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Everyone was ready to leave, they were just waiting on Camila. Lauren had helped the boys get dressed. When the twins were younger they would definitely do the cliche thing and made them match. But as of lately they were both starting to find they're own style. Caspian the older twin had more of a preppy style like Camila meanwhile Cameron had more of a hipster/rocker style highly influenced by Lauren. The twins had so many similarities but they also had a few things that could help you easily tell them apart.

Caspian for one was slightly taller than his twin, he also had the most bumps and bruises. He was very athletic, but his favorite all time sport was baseball. He loved adventures and exploring and experiencing new things. He had more of Lauren's personality, but he definitely took after Camila's goofiness. He was the jokester and goofball of the family. If you asked him who his favorite superhero was he would say his mama and batman. Lauren and Camila decided on the name Caspian Alexander because Caspian was the name of a prince in a C.S Lewis book they both read, they both liked the idea of a unique first name and it gave them a lot of options for nicknames, Cas was the one he enjoys being called the most. They chose Alexander to have some tradition in his name and also because Alexander sounded like a powerful name.

Cameron was just slightly shorter, he also had a Small birthmark right by his widows peek. He was the more cautious one. The worrier of the family, he hated getting into things that weren't familiar to him but did them anyway because even though he was the younger brother he felt the need to protect his twin. In a way they balanced each other out, one pushed him to be more out there while the other reeled him back when he was too out there. Cameron was not into team sports, but his moms made sure he was still being active, so he does taekwondo and as of recently he has taken up skateboarding. He is definitely the more mellow one, and shares a lot of his personality with Camila. He's also very clumsy like her. He enjoys reading and playing inside in the safety of his home rather than being outdoors. He is a very shy kid but once he warms up to you, you can't get him off you. They chose the name Cameron because again they wanted something unique, the name itself has a terrible meaning but they chose it because they both liked it. They chose Michael as a middle name because Lauren's older brothers name was Michael and her fathers name is also Michael as well, they wanted to keep the name in the family.

Caspian was dressed in some navy blue with sailboat print shorts, blue loafers, a sky blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, meanwhile Cameron was in a black graphic tee, black skinny jeans and his black torn up high top converse.

 Once Camila finally made it out she was dressed in a floral print sundress, her hair in their natural waves and some comfortable shoes

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Once Camila finally made it out she was dressed in a floral print sundress, her hair in their natural waves and some comfortable shoes. She looked very casual but to Lauren she looked stunning.

This time instead of taking Camila's car, they took Lauren's which was A black 2017 Nissan GT-R. It was Lauren's second pride and joy, the twins being her first and all. Nobody but her drove the car, so it went unused for months at a time but she had a mechanic who kept the car up in running conditions.

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