Chapter 36

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"Everything is going to be okay." Camila gave Lauren's hand a reassuring squeeze.

They were standing in front of Lucy and vero's home waiting for someone to answer the door. The few seconds that passed felt like minutes to Lauren. She didn't think she'd be this nervous but she was and she couldn't help herself. She was terrified to see how Lucy would react to seeing her. So She wasn't sure if she was more relieved or afraid when vero finally answered the door.

"Lauren, Camila it's so good to see you." Vero greeted them with a smile. "Please come in," she invited them into her home, it was what you'd expect Lucy's home to look like, empty. In the sense that she wasn't a very materialistic person and had what was necessary but nothing more. The walls however were covered in paintings and photographs. What stood out the most was the blown up portrait of Lucy and a small African boy sitting on her lap and Vero with a young Indian girl by her side as they sat on a plaid blanket, the golden pasture and blue skies as the background. They all had on very off-white and pastel colors.

And then she heard the voice, she hadn't heard in years. "Sorry about the mess Ivy and I were in here getting some of her homework done." She wasn't apologizing to them but to her wife.

Lauren did not expect to ever see Lucy standing on her own two feet again, well even now she was using crutches but that was a hell of a lot better than, when she saw her all those years ago.

Vero assures her, "It's fine, why don't you come sit down , Lauren and Camila are here." She pats the couch cushion next to her.

At this point Lauren and Camila are sitting across from them, the air is tense and nobody is sure on what to say next. It's been years.

"So Camila," vero is the first to speak up, getting Camila's attention. "How have you been?" If this isn't awkward she didn't know what was.

"I've been good, Lauren and the kids keep me busy." That's the truth, there is never a dull day being married to Lauren Jauregui. "What about you guys, how have you been?" She asks.

"We've been great." Lucy answers for them, "okay now that, that's over with. Why are you here?" The question is obviously directed to Lauren, who hasn't worked up the courage to look up at her just yet.

That's vero and Camila's cue to leave the room because they know this is something between their wives, before they leave Camila gives Lauren a reassuring shoulder squeeze.

"So you finally got Lauren?" Vero asks Camila once they're seated in the backyard porch bench.

"Yeah, and you finally got Lucy?" She asked back, vero gave her a nod. Both couldn't contain their laughter in any longer.

For the longest time vero and Camila seemed to be stuck in very similar situations, both in love with fuck girls for lack of a better word. In high school You'd think they both lived on opposite sides of the world because they were both very different from one another but they had some thing in common well more like some one's in common. They related to each other in many ways and that's what made them a good support system for each other when they're other friends didn't understand what they called the infatuation with best friends Lauren and Lucy.

Camila asked, "I noticed the photos, are they your children?"

"Yeah. Ivy our daughter is 6, we adopted her from a small village in India. We were doing a shoot for the orphanage, Lucy and I fell in love with her. We started the adoption process when she was 2 and finally got the yes just as she was about to turn 4. They didn't want to hand her off to a lesbian couple but Lucy's dad helped us out and got us the best lawyer money could buy. Beckett our son just turned 2. We were on another shoot in Uganda, when we met him he was 3 months old. He would cry whenever Lucy tried putting him down, and it broke her heart seeing him in tears. She didn't have to say anything to me, I already knew he was eventually going to come home with us. After we got the yes for ivy we submitted the paper work for him. We didn't get the yes for him until he was 14 months old. It's a long process in it of itself but it's much harder when your a gay couple. Specially in country's that still don't acknowledge gay couples. It was hard but it was definitely worth it." Vero had a genuine smile on her face, she truly was happy with the way her life was going.

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