Chapter 15

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Smut ⚠️ if you don't want to read skip until you see the first -- .

Knowing she was about to get laid helped Lauren sober up a bit so making it back to their hotel room wasn't that much of a problem.

"Babe you have to stop doing that at least for right now otherwise we'll never get this door open." Camila said as she tired swiping they're keycard to get they're door to unlock but wasn't having much success since Lauren was practically eating her neck.

Luck was on their side because after a distracted swipe, they herd the door unlock. Lauren pushed them both through it and guided them into their bedroom. She wasted no time in untying Camila's bikini top and helping her slip out of her bottoms.

"Oh god...camz your so fucken beautiful." Lauren ogled at her very naked wife. Her swim trunks were still wet from being in the pool which meant they were stuck to her body and seeing her wife like this made it extremely painful. Camila wasted no time in capturing Lauren's lips.

Slowly lowering them onto the bed Lauren began placing open mouth kisses to Camila's neck, painfully slowly moving down to her collarbone.

"Laur...please." Camila pleaded, desperately needing Lauren's mouth on her breast. Not wanting to deny her wife anything she did what she knew Camila wanted, wrapping her lips around her pink and perky nipple while massaging the other with her hand. Hearing Camila moan in please was like music to her ear.

After spending plenty of time on her wife's erect nipples she moved lower and lower down her body leaving no spot un-kissed. Avoiding Camila's center she moved down to place open mouth kisses on her inner thighs. She wasn't doing anything to crazy but Camila was panting and moaning like crazy, maybe it was the pregnancy hormones. She knew Camila was close  not just by the noises she was making but by looking up and seeing her dripping wet.

"So fucken sexy." Lauren whispered, then proceeded to place a light kiss on Camila's core. It was so light yet so intense to Camila's body that she arched her back instantly. Lauren felt like at any moment her swim trunks would rip from all the pressure she was feeling, but this was about Camila right now so she had to hold off. She stroked her wife's mound a few times with her tongue before attaching her lips to her clit.

"Fuck." Camila moaned out in pleasure.

After teasing her wife enough she slowly enter her with two fingers. "Damn babe your so fucken wet." Lauren said.

"Mmm" Camila mumbled, she didn't trust her voice right now. Lauren knew how close Camila was and sped up her motions and went back to sucking on her clit. With so much intensity it only took a few more instants before Camila was trembling in her arms. She helped Camila ride out her orgasm and before she knew it Camila was flipping them over and was now straddling Lauren.

"Now it's my turn." Camila said seductively, causing Lauren to groan in pain and pleasure. "Let's start by getting this off." She said messing with the straps of Lauren's bikini top.

"Maybe you should start by getting these off." Lauren suggested, gesturing to the skin tight swim trunks suffocating her not so little friend.

"I think..." Camila paused grinding down into Lauren's shaft causing her to let out a loud groan. "Maybe not." She finished her sentence. Placing soft sensual kisses on Lauren collarbone.

"Camz your killing me here." Lauren admitted. She was completely distracted by what Camila was doing that she didn't notice when Camila removed her bikini top. All the grinding Camila was doing was causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head. "Oh god." Lauren moaned out.

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