Mirror Mirror

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I look into the mirror and all I see,
Is my own reflection staring back at me
What did I expect, to see something divine,
So charming and beautiful, but the face I saw was mine
My faults were not at my  disposal, etched onto my face like scars,
It truly left me astounded, how noone sees them for what they are
'Mirror mirror on the wall', I say through silent tears,
'I'm sure the world would be a far better place, without me standing here.'
Looking back at the girl who stared at me with petrified  eyes,
Frightened of her own appearance, her uniqueness must she disguise?
The fear of judgement lingered on in her mind, crushing her every thought,
Taking away her sanity slowly, she's losing every battle she's fought
Finally mustering the courage to utter the words that would haunt her every night,
'Am I beautiful?' she asked her reflection, her last shreds of self confidence held tight.

When you look into the mirror and don't recognize the person staring back at you, it's time to change.

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