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Ever since I was a little girl all I ever thought about was dancing, it’s all I wanted to do; just dance. The way that my body moved to the music, the way that people watched you as you swept across the stage, the feeling of freedom and the expression of passion… I always wanted to dance.

I don’t know how I got here… well that’s not completely true. I know exactly how I got here but what I mean is I don’t understand why I’m at this place in my life; how did all of this become so messed up? So out of whack and not like it was 6 months ago? You’re probably confused as to what I’m talking about…

Well let’s start from the beginning shall we? My name is Ella. I am 21 years old; I have blonde hair about ribcage length and its naturally beach wavy looking. I have hazel eyes, and well, I move around a lot. I don’t exactly have anywhere to call “home”.  When I was 16 my parents were very fed up with me; I didn’t care about school or preparing for college all I wanted to do was dance. I told them that when I graduated I was moving to New York and making something of myself. They laughed in my face; I remember my mom saying “With what money? And what to show for it? Last time I checked you cant seem to keep your hands on a first place medal lately at any competitions. Good luck sweetheart”.

I never understood her; I guess it was some sort of motivation tactic to try and get me to go to school instead of dancing. But, me being the teenager I was, I made things difficult and I left instead of trying to compromise I was suborn and left . Right before college application season started I decided to run, with all the competition money I had saved p over the years, and the money I had from my dance-teaching job, I left one night and jumped on the train to New York. Of course I was sad to leave my family I did love my parents but I knew if I didn’t get out then, I wouldn’t get out ever.

I remember my first night in New York, newly 17 years old and all the bright light shining and all the different vehicles rushing by… most people would find it overwhelming, but I knew that this is where I was meant to be.  Of course my parents called once they realized I had left and it was a heated argument. But once we all admitted that the way we were going about this was wrong, it came to a halt… and my dad finally gave in. he put enough money on my account for me for exactly one year. The deal was I had one year to make something of myself or I was to come home, finish high school and go to college.

I remember the first few days I spent there were mostly just me taking walks down the streets, taking pictures and admiring everything – just taking it in that I was really there. But after about a week I decided I needed to get going and start planning my future. I looked online, in the papers and even went to the middle of the city just trying to find auditions, or a dance studio. I finally found a few dance studios and figured I could start there.  Because I didn’t have enough money to pay to take classes, they hired me as a full time teacher for the younger dancers, and in return I would be paid minimum wage and be able to attend classes for the advanced. I was very happy with this.

Anywho as time went on I worked there for about 6 months; I loved my job but I  was getting worried it was already at the half way point of my stay; I had been to probably 20 auditions and only two had called back and I still ended up being runner up to someone else. The day of my 18th birthday I was sitting at work; it was a particular quiet day and a man walked in; I figured he was one of our little one’s fathers, considering he looked quite young.

“Good morning sir” I smile politely

“Good morning, how are you today?” he asked

“Fine thank you, how can I help you today?”

“well…” he said looking around, I was a little confused so I giggled not knowing what he was trying to say “okay well-“ he sighed “ I don’t really have an excuse to be here. My name is Jack” he smiled.

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