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I kept my eye contact with Ed for a moment, and then I sighed “Ed...”

He cut me off, “when was the last time you cried?”


“Yes, and REALLY cried, not just a few tears. When was the last time you cried over something that seriously upset you”

I looked down

“Because you are 19 going on 20, and ive seen you cry twice our whole life; and that was when we were small”

I shrugged, “I don’t have a lot of things to cry about”

He moved away from me, “Ella I love you. But I can’t make this decision for you”

I nodded looking down at my hands under the table, playing with my wedding ring. I looked up at him again; “I don’t want to be disappointed with me life-“ I began.

“So do what makes you happy Els”

I continued, “but I don’t want to disappoint either”

He sighed, “Ella your whole life all you’ve worried about is disappointing people; mom, your dad, ME, dance instructors, dance judges, Jack, … and LOOK at where are you are now Ella, LOOK. You are in London, dancing with a huge dance company, and possibly getting a permanent position here. You need to believe in yourself Ella. Seriously. Ella do what is best for you”

I nodded, marking the end of that conversation. Ed smiled, “I’m still going to tease Harry today”

We both laughed lightening the mood a little.

Ed and his driver took me to the dance studio, we had a hug and he told me he would see me again before he left, and again at the dance show. I smiled at him and got out of the car being greeted again by the PAPs,

“Ella we haven’t seen you in a while how is your brother?” one of them asked, I smiled but didn’t say anything trying to make my way into the studio.

“Ella is you the mystery girl we have been seeing with Harry?”

“Ella are there family issues why haven’t you been with Ed lately?”

I just pushed past them and walked into the studio, I texted Zayn to let him know that the place was a bit crowded so they should come in the back. I changed and got the studio set up. Zayn said they would be here in five minutes so I just sat down leaning against the wall. What was I going to do? This shouldn’t even be a question, it should just happen I thought. I looked at my hand and played with my wedding ring again, I got up to take it off – I always did when I danced – and put it in my bag. Something felt weird when I took it off this time, it felt bad but it felt good. I didn’t know what to think, so I placed it in my bag and shook off the feeling as the boys arrived.

(Harrys POV)

This was going to be a weird day I thought as I walked to the music studio I was meeting Ed, Liam, and Niall at. Ed was going to kill me, unless Ella didn’t tell him – but she probably did Oh God I was done for. I took a deep breath and walked inside; Niall and Liam were there “where’s Ed?” I asked.

“On his way” Niall smirked, as did Liam.

“What…” I asked a little worried because I knew those looks.

“Where did you stay last night Styles?” Niall grinned.

“Oh I don’t know Horan where did YOU stay?”

Niall shrugged and chuckled.

Liam came over and patted me on the shoulder, “Good luck mate”

“Good luck with what...?”

Niall laughed, “Oh nothing just twitter MAY have told us that Ella is Ed’s ridiculously hot little sister from when we were younger”

I put my hand to my face, “Oh god, I know”

They both had a little snicker, “look guys, chances are he already knows and I think I should be the one to tell him so don’t say anything”

“Don’t say anything about what?” Ed said as he walked in smiling.

Niall and Liam both turned around trying to hide their laughter.

I felt the guilt inside me, and I knew this was going to go badly.

Ed came over smiling and patted my shoulder, “hey buddy, what’s wrong you look a little pale?”

I couldn’t find my words, what the hell was going on with me I couldn’t even speak, “I-I well uh y..” I trailed off.

“Is something wrong there Haz? You look like you need to tell me something?” Ed said grinning at me, and glancing back at Liam and Niall who were pretty much peeing them selves by now.

“Ed I um,” I began.

Ed made an over – exaggerated epiphany face, “oh right I forgot you’re sleeping with my sister!”

The boys lost it, they were laughing so hard that they fell to the ground and their faces were red.

“Sleeping is not the um word I would-“ I began but Ed cut me off making another face.

“Sorry – getting naked with my sister”

The boys were still laughing so hard, it was embarrassing how much they had lost it but this was even worse. Niall couldn’t even breathe anymore he was laughing so hard, he left the room to get water and I glared at him.

I looked up at Ed, “look I’m not just sleeping with her I –“

He cut me off once again, but this time he places both hands on my shoulders and started laughing, “I’m messing with you relax. She told me already”

I was still nervous waiting to see what else he would say, I just smiled a little embarrassed.

He gave me hug and then said, “Do me a favor though?”

I laughed a little sarcastically, “Literally anything I will do for you”

He smiled and looked at me again, “fight for her, don’t let her go back to New York”

I nodded in a way that said absolutely.

Ed suddenly got serious, “Harry, seriously. Get her AWAY from that asshole, and New York city.”

I nodded knowing what he meant. He took me to a spot in the studio where the boys were and he sat me down, “look, yeah she’s married. Marriage is a promise and its not meant to be broken, but its also a covenant of ever lasting love, and what Ella has with Jack isn’t love”

I nodded not wanting to over – step my boundary of speaking; just listening to him.

“Ella is full of dreams and ambitions Haz, and no one helps her to express them. Help her. Fight for her. Help her live her life and be my little sister again”

“I will try Ed”

Ed got silent for a second, and then he sighed, “look this is going to sound weird but I need to tell you this”

I nodded, “try me”

He looked down at his hands, “I need you to get her really drunk”

I laughed a little worried at where this was going, “um why? Exactly?”

He laughed a little, “look lets all go out tonight. You take her out for dinner and then we can all meet at the club that we always do – where its quiet and not to many PAPs. I need you to get her drunk enough that she will tell you things, and if she cries, let her.”

I was more than confused, “Let her cry?”

“Yes, comfort her but let her cry”

I sighed still confused, “she isn’t going to cry while I’m around”

He grinned, “I know. That’s where my plan comes in”

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