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Ella’s POV

“What? What do you mean?”

I could hear Harry’s voice in the background and I knew he wasn’t alone. There was a faint beeping, and a pain shooting sort of through my vein in my wrist.

“Are you serious?” He asked a little more flustered; it sounded like he was exasperated but I wasn’t totally sure what was going on.

“She will wake up any minute now Mr. Styles, but she will most likely fall asleep again.”

Asleep? Why was I asleep? I wasn’t remembering much and nothing was making sense. God that beeping was annoying… Why wasn’t I at the dance studio? Last thing I remember I was getting frustrated with Russel, and he told Nicko to lift me…

“Mr. Styles this is a lot to take in, why don’t you just sit down?”

I heard him sigh heavily, there was certain shakiness in his voice but then I felt his presence near me.

“Ella, baby I’m here. Just relax and…” He sounded weak, “I’ll be here when you’re awake.”

I couldn’t see anything so my eyes must have been shut… what the hell was going on?

“Ella?” He asked a little unsure now; I think my hand moved or something but I didn’t say anything.

Ella? Hey are you awake? El?”

And then his voice faded; into the distant dreamland.

“El? Hey,” I heard a whisper that was clearer than last time.

I felt my heavy eyelids start to flutter, and suddenly my surroundings were appearing. Light blue walls, a sterile smells… the beeping – I was in a hospital.

“Hey.. Hey baby relax,” Harry whispered suddenly entering my line of vision. He must have stood up from the chair beside my bed but he was holding my hand.

I tried to speak but a thorough amount of pain hit the bottom of my throat and another in the bottom of my abdomen, and it came out more like a strangled cry.

“Shh,” Harry said kissing my forehead, “don’t say anything. There was a lot of pressure on your throat, it’s going to be sore so just don’t speak okay?”

I nodded as my vision became 100% clear; I was met with the gentle green eyes and a soft smile… but his eyes were tired and weak. Something was wrong.

“H..” I tried to speak but he chuckled and sat down on the bed beside my hand, taking it in both of his.

“You never listen to me do you?” he grinned kissing my hand.

I smiled a little… I wanted to know what happened. My memory wasn’t back and I wasn’t sure why I was even here.

He must have seen the confusion on my face, “are you okay?”

I shook my head slightly, trying to figure out how to tell him how I was feeling. I was searching frantically and then I smiled reaching over for my phone. He must have caught my drift because he picked up his phone to read whatever I was texting him.

Text: I don’t know what’s going on, why am I here? How long have I been here?

“Why are you here?” He asked scrunching his eyebrows and meeting my eyes, “do you not remember anything?”

I shook my head and texted again

Text: I honestly have no idea… one minute I was being yelled at and redirected, and the next Nicko was picking me up and I don’t know what happened… IS NICKO OKAY? Am I going to be okay? Is there something wrong with me?

“Yes Nicko is fine… You’ve been out cold for almost a day and Nicko is at the hotel resting,” Harry said a little softer; he moved closer to me to look right into my eyes, “you seriously don’t remember anything after that?”

I shook my head violently but then winced at the pain I was feeling. Something was wrong and I was feeling nauseated all of a sudden.

“Hey woah there,” Harry said going into protective mode, “don’t move your head, you got a pretty bad concussion…” he sighed, “they said memory loss of the incident may be a side effect.”

Incident? I furrowed my brows at him and he went to speak but we were interrupted,

“Ah, Miss Ella you’re awake,” the doctor said walking in, “and not speaking I hope?” he grinned slightly.

Harry’s face suddenly dropped when he walked in, something was seriously wrong. I nodded and the doctor came and sat on the chair on the other side of the bed with me.

“Well Ella, how much do you remember?” He was asking me but obviously waiting for a response from Harry.

“She doesn’t remember the incident… Like you said,” He sighed.

The doctor nodded and wrote something down, “That’s completely normal. You had a pretty bad concussion when you hit the ground, so not remembering it is probably going to be permanent, however that’s not what I’m worried about telling you.”

I was lost, someone needed to explain to me what the hell was going on.

“Ella you lost a kidney when you were fifteen correct?” I nodded and he continued, “it was due to something natural?” I shook my head… They should have it on file there that it was some kind of abuse…

“May I ask why you had this removed then?”

“Because the same psychopath that put her in here, beat the absolute shit out of her and ruptured it.”

The doctor looked shocked for sure, but he just nodded softly, “I’m very sorry to hear that… That is no way to lose a kidney.”

I nodded and waited for more, this was killing me what could be worse than losing my memory of the morning I had? It wasn’t that bad what could possibly happen.

“Well Ella let me get to the point,” the doctor said looking over at Harry. He was doing that thing with his lower lip and I was instantly concerned; his eyes looked upset and I was freaking out a little.

“The kidney that you’ve lost caused us to run some tests on you… At first your heart was doing something funny when we brought you in so we thought you might be pregnant. When we discovered that you weren’t we ran some more tests on you… Types of fertility, vein examination, heart conditions ect.”

Harry was full on looking at me now, his face twisted with anger and sleep, but also worry. They were about to tell me something very upsetting and I knew it.

“It turns out Ella,” the doctor sighed, “that you are unfortunately a victim of PCOS,  or Polycystic ovary syndrome… It’s where you produce high levels of a certain hormone and your ovaries produce fluid filled cysts on the outside. Now the pain you’re feeling in your lower abdomen is because we removed the cysts when you were tested… However there is something else.”

Harry looked like he might cry when I looked at him again; he held my hand so tight I almost didn’t know how to feel.

“Ella,” the doctor said softly, “with only one kidney, and a weak replacement one… along with PCOS, there is about a 99% chance that you will never be able to have children.”

“What?!” I croaked through my already throbbing throat.

This was it; I looked over at Harry who was looking right back at me. Kids were a deal breaker – I already knew that. Harry needed kids and so did I eventually… was he going to leave me? Is that why he was so upset?

{A/N: Hiiii everyone, I'm glad you're liking this story but I'm not getting any feedback... So maybe comment if you have the chance? Thank you it means a lot. It makes me want to write faster and update more often when I know people love the story}

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