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“I can’t look!” Danielle exclaimed turning around from me.

I stood with my eyes wide – the test was positive but it was very faint. “Dani…” I said softly.

She started to panic; “I knew it, its positive isn’t it? Oh my God Ella I don’t know how to do this I don’t know how to handle this I-,” I placed my hands on her shoulders “Hey, Dani calm down”

She nodded still panicky; “I, um, okay.” She breathed. “I should take another test right? To be sure”

I thought for a second, “well, y-yes but you should also see a doctor”

She was shaking her head fast and breathing at a pace that worried me, "no no doctors yet I need to take another test and be sure but how am I going to do this we have practice and me and Niall just wen public and -." I stopped her again 

"Dani! Relax! Just breathe okay let's talk about this calmly" I soothed rubbing her back. 

She breathed deeply, "until I'm sure you can't tell anyone.." 

I nodded, I knew not to tell - especially Harry. 

"Dani... We have to figure out what to do here" 

She sighed, "I n-need to take another test" 

I nodded, "do you want me to get it for you?" 

She looked at me, " I can't ask you to do that Ella"

I nodded, "it's risky for you... If someone see's you-" she stopped me. 

"Ella people make rumors about you and Harry too" 

"Well none of them have been confirmed - you are Niall's girlfriend... Let me do this for you." 

Danielle looked down and started to cry, "t-thank you Ella" 

I hugged her close to me and rubbed her back to soothe her cries; "I'll go after practice tonight okay?" 

She nodded and just cried into me - I really hoped that faint positive meant there was no baby... 

My stomach formed a little knot – this was making even me stress. I took a few deep breaths, and the knots went away…but I still had a weird feeling in my stomach; a feeling that something was going to go wrong.

I calmed her down eventually and we headed downstairs for rehearsal. 

"Did Nicko go to reserve the room?" 

I nodded putting my arm around her shoulders, "yeah it's my turn tomorrow" 

She sighed and leaned into my shoulder as we walked out of the elevator, "don't tell him until I take another test" 

I agreed hesitantly, this was going to be more difficult than I thought... Lying to everyone. 

We opened the door to the hotel to find a group of paparazzi hanging outside - I figured the news about Niall dating Danielle had spread fast. 

"Danielle can I get a few minutes of your time!"

"Danielle how long have you been together!" 

"Danielle talk to us!" 

The lights were flashing and I had my arms protectively around her, "excuse us" I said politely but they continued to hover. 

They started to form a huddle around us, yelling "Danielle please!" "Danielle is it true that you and Niall are serious!" "Danielle is Niall cheating on you!" 

"Excuse us!" I pushed a little harder trying to get through. 

"Ella you're Ed's sister!" One of them shouted. 

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