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Ella’s Point of View

The doctor continued to look at me sympathetically, “I’m sorry Ella…”

I was lost for words, my throat was burning and honestly I couldn’t bring myself to tear my eyes away from Harry’s face right now.

“I’ll give you two some time,” the doctor said quietly before retreating from the room.

“Ella,” Harry said clearing his throat and rubbing my hand with his thumb lightly.

“I can’t h-have ki-ds?” I asked feeling the tears flowing from my eyes and my throat roared at me for trying to speak.

Harry’s eyes widened with worry and he reached up to touch my face, “Ella love please don’t say anything I don’t want you hurting yourself more, I will explain what happened today to you and more but I need you to stay quiet okay?”

The concern in his voice prompted me to nod and close my mouth; I looked and searched through his tired eyes waiting for him to say something.

The tears from before slipped his eyes and I reached over to wipe them; he leaned into my touch and sighed, “Ella I’m so in love with you, you know that right?”

I nodded softly; I knew it but when he said it to me it always confirmed what we had was real.

“I could see it in your eyes when the doctor told you – you think I’m going to leave you because of… not being able to have kids.”

It’s like he read my mind, I looked down at our intertwined hands and just began to play with his fingers.

He moved his head down so he met my gaze; I lifted mine a little and I saw the purity of his gaze, “don’t you ever think like that…” he whispered sternly.

I went to protest but he put his finger on my lips, “Shh remember?”

I sighed and nodded.

He moved to sit next to me on the bed, “look there are ways that people can have kids… You may not be able to experience pregnancy, and who knows maybe we are that 1% inside of you that can have kids… but no matter what I am going to have a life with you, and I am going to have a family with you. We are 20 years old and I don’t know about the future…” he smiled lightly and rested his forehead against mine, “but I do know that my future is you, Ella.”

I smiled softly and moved to rest my head on his shoulder as I relaxed; he was the best person with words that I’ve ever known. He always knew exactly what to say to calm me down. He rubbed my back lightly, “I love you.”

I pulled myself to look at him and mouthed ‘I love you too.’

He kissed my cheek lightly, but then the grin faded from his face. I knew there was more he hadn’t told me, so I furrowed my brows waiting for him to say something.

“The um… the accident caused you guys to… Miss the show..” He said softly looking down at our hands.

The show… the dance show… I MISSED THE COMPETITION.

My eyes widened and I began to speak, “We- we mi-,”

“Baby seriously!” Harry said a little worried holding his hand over my mouth gently, “you’re going to hurt yourself permanently. Please please just for today don’t say a word okay?”

I sighed in frustration and grabbed my phone.

Text: Are you serious? I missed the competiton?! What about Nicko and Danielle! What about everything in the future! I have no where to live after this competition and I can’t go back home and they won’t let me travel with the dance company if I didn’t compete in this competition!

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