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At about 6pm I was back in my hotel room still getting ready to go out when my phone started to ring, I answered it seeing it was Jack.

“Hi Jack” I said still trying to finish up on my hair.

“Hey Ella, how was your day?” he asked sounding tired.

“It was okay, just shopping with my friend and now I’m going out with another friend”.

Jack yawned, “oh that’s good that you’ve made some friends”.

It was silent for a minute until I burnt myself with the curling iron a bit “Ow!”

“What happened?” Jack said a little uninterested.

“I just burnt myself with the curling iron” I said trying to moving the phone to the other hand so I could put water on my finger.

“Oh Ella, my stupid silly Ella” Jack laughed softly.

I was quite offended that he called me stupid, he did it a lot too.

“Why aren’t you asleep? Its like 11 there isn’t it?” I asked him trying to end the conversation seeing as I didn’t want him to call me stupid again.

“I was just heading to bed, I just wanted to say goodnight”.

“Oh that’s sweet, well get some sleep Jack” I said a little unenthusiastically.

“Okay goodnight Ella” he yawned and hung up the phone.

“Ugh” I groaned putting the phone down and continuing to get ready.

After my hair I walked to my shopping bags from today deciding what to wear, seeing as it was November I wore what Danielle had picked for me; it was a pair of black skinny jeans, a beautiful coral top and cream cardigan with a pair of black – ankle boots. I finished some makeup and was ready to go.

At 7:00 Harry texted me saying he was in the lobby, so I grabbed my coat and small purse and walked downstairs, he greeted me with a smile “well hello, someone looks gorgeous” he said. I giggled a little,

“Hello to you to, you don’t look so bad yourself”.

He smiled “are you ready?” he asked.

I nodded “what exactly are we doing?” I asked as we began to walk.

“Well we are going to go out the back entrance first off, just in case, and then I was thinking taking a walk or something and then we will decide what else later?” he asked opening the door for me.

“Sounds excellent” I said smiling at him.

We were walking down a street ad a ton of people passed us smiling at Harry and I, “I’m surprised no one has stopped you for an autograph” I said.

He shrugged “it still will probably happen, but mostly when the young ones are out during the day here, plus my body guard is kind of hanging around behind us so they are a little afraid of him” he whispered not so quietly and I giggled.

We walked into a little coffee shop and got hot chocolates, we walked to a little park with a bench and sat down.

“So I’m dying to know, how do you know me?” I asked turning to face him.

He smirked, “the video”.

I went silent for a second “you saw the dance video?” I said shocked.

He nodded “yeah, a fan sent me the YouTube link on my twitter, and usually I don’t pay attention to it much of the time but more than one of them kept sending and sending to me and I finally watched it. My management saw it too, everyone loved it” he smiled.

I felt myself blushing very hard, I looked down for a second when I heard him chuckle a little “are you blushing?”

I giggled, “don’t be mean I’m embarrassed”.

“Ella don’t be embarrassed, the dance was amazing” he comforted.

I looked back up at him “well thank you” I said a little embarrassed still.

We kept talking for a few minutes about the video, and then the subject changed.

“So how long are you in London for harry?” I asked, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

“About 3 weeks, we are on a break right now but then we start touring again”.

“How is touring?”

“It’s tiring, but I love it. It’s amazing to travel with my best friends and perform and meet our fans” he smiled genuinely. “How long are you in London?”

“About 2 weeks, and then traveling with the dance company” I said.

He smiled “well will I get to see you again?”

“If you would like” I smiled looking at him.

I remember the look on his face just then, it was so calm, so relaxed, and his eyes made me melt. But I knew I had to ruin this by saying “There is something you should know though…”

He nodded “you’re married”.

I looked at him shocked “how did you-?”

He chuckled lightly “your ring”.

“Oh right…” I said looking down at it.

“How is that?” he asked, and then added, “I hope you don’t mind me asking”.

“No I don’t mind, and well. It’s. Marriage” I shrug.

“What do you mean?”

“Well… I’m nineteen.. And he’s thirty-six” I say a little embarrassed.

“Wow, that must be really true love to have an age gap like that” he said smiling.

I looked away from him “um. No not exactly” I said a little shyly.

“I’m sorry if I upset you” he said obviously not wanting to pry.

“Oh no you didn’t, I just don’t want to bore you with the pathetic details of my life” I said laughing half-heartedly.

“Its okay, they aren’t boring. I want to know about you” he smiled.

We continued to talk for about an hour before we headed back to the hotel I was staying at. He walked me to the lobby and everything was pretty quiet.

“I had a great time tonight Ella” he said shyly.

“So did I Harry…” I said looking up at him.

He looked into my eyes and then shook himself a little “Are you free tomorrow night? “

I smiled “yes I am”.

“Would you like to have dinner or something?” he asked again beginning to get shy.

“That would be wonderful” I smiled.

“Okay, Ill ring you in the morning” he said looking at me.

Without thinking I kissed his cheek lightly “goodnight Harry”.

“Goodnight Ella” he shyly said as he walked out of the hotel.

I got into the elevator and pressed the 12 floor, waiting for it to start I leaned my head on the wall sighing, I couldn’t believe that actually just happened.

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