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(So I’m aware that pretty much everything in this chapter to do with Ella’s brother and stuff isn’t ACTUALLY true but, its fan fiction haha so lets pretend ;) ) ENJOY LOVELIES <3

I woke up the next morning in Harry’s arms; I smiled looking up at his face so peaceful as he slept. I reached up and ran my finger through his hair making sure not to disturb him, and he continues to sleep. I was waiting for the ‘guilt’ and ‘regret’ to hit me that books and movies and television said I would feel after sleeping with him; but it wasn’t there. All that I felt was happiness; I felt like this was how it was supposed to be. I still didn’t understand how this happened, one minute I was bumping into a huge celebrity at the airport, the next minute I’m waking up next to him and revising my whole life.  What was I going to do? I knew for sure that I didn’t want to be without Harry, I knew he was supposed to be in my life. So what was keeping a part of me attached to Jack? Why wasn’t this decision going to be easy? I sighed and just shook it off; I still had almost two weeks to figure this out… and maybe it was just time that was going to influence my decision. My thinking was cut short when harry opened his eyes a little and smiles, “good morning”. He pulled me closer to him and I snuggled up close, “good morning”

“What time is it?” he asked.

I reached over and grabbed my phone, “9”

He nodded, “what do you have going on today?”

I moved back and cuddled up close to him again, “I’m actually meeting my brother for lunch at 12. And then Louis and Zayn and I have another dance lesson. How about you?”

He rested his head on mine, “I am meeting Niall, Liam and our friend at about 2; he’s going to help us write some stuff and hang out a little, and then nothing after that”

“Oh that’ll be nice” I smiled.

He kissed my head, “Yes, and it will be nice for you to see your brother… Since your training for the dance starts tomorrow you’re going to be pretty busy and everything, can I take you for dinner tonight before you’re too tired to go anywhere?” he smiled.

I smiled placing a small kiss on his collarbone, “yes please, that would be lovely. But I’m still going to make sure I’m not too tired for you next week”

He nodded, “I know. I just know you’ll be busy that’s all.”

I moved so I was still beside him but my arms were resting on his chest with my head on them, “well would you like to go out and get some coffee?”

He reached up and played with my hair, “if you’d like, there are going to be a lot of paps out and about at this time though, and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable or for them to take a picture people might recognize”

I shrugged, “ill just put on some sunglasses and a hat or something it’ll be okay”

“Are you sure?” Harry asked still running fingers through my hair.

I nodded, my phone buzzed and I looked at it, it was a text from Ed ‘you still good for lunch at 12?’

I replied, ‘absolutely, meet at the restaurant?’

‘Sounds good see you then xx’ he replied.

“Who was that from?” Harry asked a little nervously.

I smiled, he was cute when he was nervous, ‘just my brother’

He relaxed a little, “oh. What is your brother’s name by the way, I never even asked?”

“Ed” I smiled.

Harry paused looking at me for a second, “wait” he said sitting up. I sat up woth him and looked at him funny, he took my face in his hands and began to examine it, turning it sideways and looking at it from different angles.

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